Sunday, October 24, 2010

FOX network in specific and corporate (military) media in general will have to get a diaper for Wikileaks and others that try to put human misery face to the illegal and immoral Iraq invasion and occupation (aka war by them). When the war is illegal and immoral our soldiers then behave immoral and illegal otherwise we have one of the most disciplined soldiers in the world. It is the corrupt politics that gets them in trouble just like Vietnam.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Not Much Has Changed in US since Bush Neocon days:

1) Still Guantanamo is going strong
2) War and occupation is going on in both Iraq and Afghanistan
3) Health care is hard to find! I guess with Obama election the 40M uninsured disappeared.
4) Arms deals are rampant - $60B worth to Saudi Arabia to defend themselves from what? Stuff they have bought in the last 40 years are rusted out. If they had a civil society would not have agreed to these forced sales. They didn't do shit when Saddam invaded Kuwait! Why not just charge them for protection?
5) US economy is still fundamentally sick because nobody is paying REAL COST of what they are and are not getting - Obama team (aka same Bush group) just put some band aid on it
6) Global worming -- what is that no mention of it anymore?
7) 60% of oil is still being imported to US, no sign of reducing that. They don't even talk about it anymore
8) No Home for Palestinians -- that is going to bite again. FYI in 1900 there were 600,000 Palestinian in Palestine and 23,000 Jews living happily together.
9) Middle class is still disappearing - Rich are getting richer and poor are poorer
10) I guess the Ozone layer is back? And CO2 emission are in check now since Democrats took the whit house.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What does KKK and Aboogharib have in common?

In both cases the violence against unwanted were condoned indirectly by the system which really allowed barbarism to prevail by creating the HATE environment. It proves again that even the most supposed civilized nation is capable of barbaric action. These actions were not just by few rouge soldiers as Bush said about Aboogharib or they said about KKK members lynching blacks. The videos from Apache helicopter is yet another sign of how deep the pure EVIL hate permeates in the system.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Contract with America = 1990's (Rush got rich)
Tea Party = 2010's (Beck gets rich)
Operation Eagle eye = 2020's (Dick gets rich)
Homeland Liberation = 2030's (Jane gets rich)
Operation son of Plain = 2040's (someone will get rich)

Mean time on the liberal left side

Talk shit about working class helping needy to lift all Americans while pocking intern - 1990's
Come in for few years to relive right wing nut cases - 2010's
Rich socialist pays inheritance tax but move huge yacht out of state not pay taxes- 2020's
Business as usual but cater to liberals because they are about 60% of population - 2030's
When we kill enemy scum bags is different that those right wing nut cases - 2040's

Bottom line we'll be through back and forth between two gangs for decades to come!! Now that should make us feel worm and fussy

Monday, July 12, 2010

There needs to be new sustainable uniform definition for CONFLICT FREE natural resource and manufactured products. Conflict free oil and other resources will have to be identified and nations that get these resources from the conflict areas will have to pay the price and be shamed. Oil from middle east, Nigeria, and all other none civil society based nations have to be clearly classified as CONFLICT OIL and banned or impose a great fine for importers much like Conflict Diamond. We need to apply the Apartheid type sanctions to bring organic civil societies to every corner of the world.

I such an standard is established I am sure no one would buy IPhone and LCD TVs produced bu indentured labor or oil from Saudi Arabia where women are mere belongings.

WE NEED UNIVERSAL NATURAL AND MANUFACTURED RESOURCE JUSTICE declaration by UN to start making long lasting fundamental change for all people.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I suggest once reltaive representative goverment forms in Iran to name current Azadi (Freedom!) square in Tehran - NEDA.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Afghanistan (war) occupation:

There is no way in hell that occupation of Afghanistan can result in "wining" the war. History is littered by occupiers losing at the end and HOMELAND defenders victory. Afghans will never accept or willingly work with an occupying force. We need to understand that there is no such a isolated thing as "insurgents" or Taliban that somehow US forces can kill or beat to submission. We are fighting Afghans with few Afghan expats like Karzai puppets taking photo ups. Afghan people know that, even those Afghans that out desperation form the Afghan Army know that US is violating their tightly held sovereignty and tribal pride.

We must remove WESTERN soldiers out of Afghanistan and let REAL Afghans rebuild their country to not our image but their own. Lets allow them to heal from 30+ years of foreign meddling and occupation starting from cold war to Bush war.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nuke Fest

Its is ironic that a nuke party is put together in Washington DC and only like minded gusts are invited. I wonder if that is how the slogan "we can" gets implemented by the new elected team on Pennsylvania Ave? Again you do not just engage your old buddies to help resolve a very serious issues such as having some crazy apocalyptic fringe group getting hold of nuke bombs and using it. Since at this time one of the main issues that fuels the craziness is the fact that Palestine is still occupied and not a viable nation one would think this issue would also be on the table. But we continue to tip toes around immoral Israeli occupation and continued prosecution of the Palestinians for over 60 years and try like many US administration have done before separate these issues.

Unfortunately unless we attack the occupation of Palestine front and center there will not be a safe and durable safeguards against a rogue group ultimately figuring out the nuke thing.

For sixty years now US and west in general have treated the symptoms of the Palestinian occupation disease and have not come to terms with treating the disease itself. I suspect it is because the ultimate solution will change how Israel functions as a nation. There are lots of pressure to delay this inevitable outcome and will through obstacles in its way.

CREATE A VIABLE PALESTINIAN STATE and you will have taken whole bunch wind out of the Islamic craziness and pool of recruits, until then these conferences and gatherings just preaching the quire.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I wonder how long we in the west will go along with nation building before its proven that is an oxymoron term. I wonder when Iraq and Afghanistan become model of western style democracy. The true stories of suffering and festering fear and hate in those countries are not being told in the mainstream media. Its buried in the cyberspace where soccer moms and T-ball dads will never venture to read and explore until another episode of "why they hate us " is played out.

This calm before the next storm is wary!!!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Here is something fresh:

"Idle youth: slaved to eveything: by being too sensative I have wasted my life"

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

60 minutes of HELL

Just wached the old Americam icon of the news(show) 60 minutes last Sunday. The Afghanestan story made me sad and more upset with Bush, neocons, and thoes people that yet again created this air of organized violnace against a people that have no choice but to defend themselves. The shooting and killing of both "bad guys" and what the poor sorry looking soldires called inocent people again confirms that we are there because our leaders lack Leadership qualities.

Being a reactively open society at the forefront of people power means we select our leaders ( from increasingly small pool of candidates) that do not lead this nation but continue with business as usual. They lack vision and higher goals so they push the pre 21st century militaristic approach to problem solving. We all know it too well this approach will elicit nothing but violent reaction. For every soldier we have in Afghanistan there are many Afghans that will react with hate and war mongering resolution while their children will carry that hatred towards American (yes all of us since we elect our leaders) for many years to come.

The way these poor Green Berate or regular soldiers were treating Afghan recruits was appalling to the middle east culture. It may be ok to treat a red neck from Oklahoma at the boot camp in some brain washing fort in the heartland but not in middle east. Who the hell all these expert advisers that think this will work and Afghan soldiers will take over in a year or two!

In the report all you had to do watch the Afghans faces and not listen to crap soldiers or interviewer was saying.

Just imagine if 300,000 Chinese occupy California and train Mexicans and African Americans to fight the freedom fighters that want to kick the Chinese ass, how would that fly?

I suggest watching the 60 minutes report with muted volume and just watch the Afghans. You will see why they will retaliate if not this year then next.

I thought perhaps there was a off chance that Obama would be different but no, he is only different in how the projection of power is marketed not its content.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

War as a TOOL

See, the war machine besides protecting the real HOMELAND is meant to be used as some sort of "pain killer" so the civilian folks can get some time to deal with the disease. Unfortunately we have forgotten this fact and have been using WAR on terror or drugs as the only means to resolve conflict. This of course will never get us out of the woods and in fact if used unmitigated will continue the cycle of violence like child abuse.

This whole notion that we can somehow FIGHT and win Terror with guns and bombs is mad. The "Terror" people (or what Bush called them Evil Doers) love nothing but that type of response because that is the only thing they know and have experienced. They are addicted to violence because of their failed states.

Let me be clear the failed states are not only those few that our drunken mass media refers to, counties such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Yemen, and bunch of African nations are front and center on that list.

US military commanders I am sure know that. The military brass flourishes when there is conflict and that is why the civilian government needs to be in the middle and temper that propensity to "Wana Kill" frame of mind.

Much like domestic or child abuse we need to break the cycle of violence. That means sit down with the enemy and change the circumstance.
Here is the recent story of terror, not that is much different than the same old stories of terror that have been told for so many generation. But since we have a very short term memory I list the recent wild west excursion in middle east:

- 9/11 attack
- Invade and occupy Afghanistan
- Invade and occupy Iraq
- Surgical attacks on Pakistan (too big to Invade and Occupy, there is limit even for the superpower)
- Do some selective pruning in Somalia
- Get down and dirty in Sudan
- Clean up operation of various sots in north Africa
- Get busy in Yamen - expect first Us advisers on the ground followed by "Special Forces" then regular grunts

Predictions for this decade:

- Will need more engagement (nice Special Forces) in Bahrain
- Get some help for Qatar
- Jordan will need some attention
- These darn DRONES are cute and need to be used more

This will go on for the foreseeable future, I have yet to even a mild attempt to deal with root causes ---- Corrupt and undemocratic but friendly REGIMES in the area and YES you wouldn't believe it by the big one "Unconscionable" occupation of Palestine.