Nuke Fest
Its is ironic that a nuke party is put together in Washington DC and only like minded gusts are invited. I wonder if that is how the slogan "we can" gets implemented by the new elected team on Pennsylvania Ave? Again you do not just engage your old buddies to help resolve a very serious issues such as having some crazy apocalyptic fringe group getting hold of nuke bombs and using it. Since at this time one of the main issues that fuels the craziness is the fact that Palestine is still occupied and not a viable nation one would think this issue would also be on the table. But we continue to tip toes around immoral Israeli occupation and continued prosecution of the Palestinians for over 60 years and try like many US administration have done before separate these issues.
Unfortunately unless we attack the occupation of Palestine front and center there will not be a safe and durable safeguards against a rogue group ultimately figuring out the nuke thing.
For sixty years now US and west in general have treated the symptoms of the Palestinian occupation disease and have not come to terms with treating the disease itself. I suspect it is because the ultimate solution will change how Israel functions as a nation. There are lots of pressure to delay this inevitable outcome and will through obstacles in its way.
CREATE A VIABLE PALESTINIAN STATE and you will have taken whole bunch wind out of the Islamic craziness and pool of recruits, until then these conferences and gatherings just preaching the quire.