Its never too late to change direction and recover from this doomed mission of killing terrorists. Why, we must know by now that you can't simply kill radicals coming from a 350M strong Arab base. What west should and for god's sake must do is allow Islamic reformation to take place. How you do it is by disengaging with Arab dictators. Let the house of Saudi, hosehead Mobarak, Abdulah, and the rest fall into history's waste baskests. I know, I know, this will screw up the balance for the short term by long term returns are great!!!
All Bush has to say tomorrow is we no longer support this nonelected governments and would ask them to leave their stolen housed and positions. I guarantee You'll see almost immediate reduction is attacks against US and its western interests. Shit, you can even let some of these wackos take over Jordan or Qatar. That is sure way of getting this infested abscess to crack open. Once rank and file see how these protectorates of Islam conduct themselves when in power they will learn not blindly follow.
Then we have the beginning of an Islamic (sunni) reformation that will change our world's demographic.
Bush, you must be honest and fair....................
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