Tuesday, August 31, 2004

All I have to say after reading (mind you I'm not watching the GOP party in NY) the events unfolding at the convention, there is no thought in my mind that Bush regime is the most manipulating, fact skewing, end justify the means, and corrupt administration since Nixon. They make Reagan look like a saint. These wacos are so out of touch with reality that makes me wonder who voted for them last time!?!?!?!?!

I can bet any amount that they don't believe in anything they are saying. All they have is what they believe is their trump card, which is a faith based constituency that will vote for them even if they kill Jesus to save him or scaring the people to death about imminent attacks!!

They are as religious as mulls in Iran, moghtada Sadr in Iraq, or pope in Vatican. These duds are nothing but figure heads for the big business. The BIG BUSINESS rules this land.

Forget serfs........................

Now what happends if they realize that its done come Jan. 20th they must go back to the board rooms and manipulate stock prices again? Could they call on the nation to forgo votes so they may finish the JOB and kill all the terrorists?? I wouldn't passed these monsters.

Friday, August 27, 2004

For the coke and pepsi generation that quickly forgets world events I like to rmind folks that US preemtively invaded IRAQ without UN approval based on lies and hidden agendas. So, when the experts talk about why we are not now attacking the terrorists in Iraq harder than we should or why can't we bomb Ali mosk, remember they are defending themselves, and rest assured we would kill them if we have to.

Lets talk about the future a bit.

I was watching a political debate on TV and the talking heads were saying the American politics and its constituency has been so compartmentalized that each party is more and more going after a smaller piece of the pie each election year. Then, it just downed on me that its true, now we have a two camp nation of pro gun, less government, anti abortion and on the other side pro choice, ok with gays, government will help you with something.

I think at this rate in few years we may witness the birth of the "real" third choice. I suspect that at some point in the near future the need for an alternative will reach the critical mass. So, watch out you elephant/donkey dudes!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Next time when talking heads tell you they hate us because we are "free", try to believe them without laughing!!!!

They hate our freedom......Can't they come up with anything else as reasons for why 450M people in middle east don't like how US policies has treated them for over 40 years?????

I am here to tell you they don't dislike you because you are free or live like a king.

They just don't see any hope to ever enjoying your type of freedom and life style with these rulers they have to pay respect to. Also they know, like we should know, that all these rulers were installed by colonial or post colonial powers and are kept in place by force.

In fact they hate you because they are not free.................

I just heard Woolsy, ex cia director say, they, meaning Islamic terrorists want to rule the world, install khalifehs (Islamic POPE) everywhere, convert or kill all non-Muslims. As he was saying that on TV I could see in his eyes that he didn't belive a word of it himself!!!!!!!!

Again Woolsy boy is manipulating the public because that is all he knows and has been trained to see. He is from another era, lets get rid of them all or we are going to be screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 20, 2004

Are you feel safer today than you were on thar dreaded day, 9/11/2001?

If you think so vote for BUSH!!!!

If you still think so, here are some helpful hint on why you shouldn't be:

  • Alqada is nothing but one minor sacpe goat;
  • War on terror - what a stupid thing to say;
  • Once you've declare "war on terror" you've lost, thats what they wanted;
  • western civilization cannot be protected by force(waht happend to ideals???);
  • besides this conflict is not about east vs west;
  • its about haves and have nots;
  • its about not being represented;
  • its about feeling overwhelmed by outside forces;
  • its about Palestinians getting screwed by so called west;
  • its about third world being treated as third class citizen and now they beginning to see that;
  • So, wake up America and smell the rose, they are on to you;
  • they want their share of the pie;
  • stop supporting friendly dictators and kings
  • align yourself with the "people" pf middle east and you will never fear them

This conflict is partly because of American public delegating foreign affairs to their so called representatives, and the representatives believing rank and file is too stupid to know how to deal with issues outside of our borders. The politicians have for so long followed the manipulation policy for managing worlds events. This approach has a very deep root. It stems from wests colonial past, industrialization, and cold war.

Its time for change, get rid of the old foggies ___ The parallel I see in the world affair today is the American experience with Blacks, women, and other minorities in 1960's.

IT IS TIME FOR GLOBAL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.....lets respect the will of all people, not just the powerfull......

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Its funny how this war on terror is shaping up. The house is working very hard to manage the events to lead into an orgy of sucesses by Novemeber.....!!!!! Meanwhile killing in our names continues. The esitmate for Iraqi dead is around 34,000, deader than door nails. Not to mention over 900 US gis killed and over 5000 injures sodilers. All this to topple a regime that had nothing to do with 9/11, you go figure. I wonder if the brains behind Bush are having good night sleep.

Why could the brains behind Bush didn't say lets help liberate the Arabs from all these unelected dictators in the gulf area, after all theier ruthless behavior had contribuited to 9/11. Why couldn't we give ultimatums to Saudies, Kewaites, Egeptions, ......etc along wth Saddam to clean your act or buggy man will vist you. And they ask wahy they haite us, they hait us because we have been sleeping with the wrong crowd and sipping tea with folks that do not represent the Islamic masses. Now, wouldn't you haite it if your big brother kept taking the bully's side in the school yard!!!!!!!!!

Here is what we have to do, VOTE, and get these nutsos out of the white house first. Eventhough I don't thing millionar Karry will change the situation much but any change is better than to let these dudes go on.