Saturday, August 21, 2004

Next time when talking heads tell you they hate us because we are "free", try to believe them without laughing!!!!

They hate our freedom......Can't they come up with anything else as reasons for why 450M people in middle east don't like how US policies has treated them for over 40 years?????

I am here to tell you they don't dislike you because you are free or live like a king.

They just don't see any hope to ever enjoying your type of freedom and life style with these rulers they have to pay respect to. Also they know, like we should know, that all these rulers were installed by colonial or post colonial powers and are kept in place by force.

In fact they hate you because they are not free.................

I just heard Woolsy, ex cia director say, they, meaning Islamic terrorists want to rule the world, install khalifehs (Islamic POPE) everywhere, convert or kill all non-Muslims. As he was saying that on TV I could see in his eyes that he didn't belive a word of it himself!!!!!!!!

Again Woolsy boy is manipulating the public because that is all he knows and has been trained to see. He is from another era, lets get rid of them all or we are going to be screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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