Now we know how the slim majority of America thinks about conservatism and future of this nation . Regardless of what the detractors may say people spoke. They picked Bush in a filed of two, because he was closer to their ideals of how they want to be governed. The BIBLE wins the day. As it was apparent the RED states (heartland) came to poles more and were more interested in electing a man of value and virtue. They trusted Bush more than Kerry to keep them safe.
Now those of us that saw it differently will have to fight another uphill battle for four more years. God bless everyone, including Iraqis and host of countries that will have to endure Bush for four more years.
As far as gays, lesbians, single moms, un-wed mothers, tree hugers, women in general, immigrants, blacks, hispanics, indians, asians, prisoners, and everyone else outside of this great land..........You are fucked!!!
Four more years of pure and straight WHITE MALE will rule this land. Other than few tokens...............
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