Tuesday, December 21, 2004

About the US social security mess:

I generally agree with giving people choice and freedom to be in charge of their own destiny. But to give hard working American's money to those thieves at wall street, Bush boys must be smoking something again.

You mean to have our social security managed by all those corrupt equity institutions with RNC's version of oversight.....Over my dead body.......

First I think these shiseters ought to do is arrest the crook executives that are running most of those companies. Then establish a Equity Market commandments that would clear the fog of investing. I read these annual reports and I tell you the whole establishment is fishy. Have you tried to read and make sense of cooperate reports, perspectives, mutual fund reports,.............

We've got a long way to go before any sane man or women can talk about privatizing the Social Security. When even company pension funds are disappearing how can anyone would entrust this corrupt market with our social security funds.

Lets just wait and see how our 401K's are going to do....They have been promising 8-10% return for over 20 years now, where is that return?????

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