Sunday, February 06, 2005

I have read Aljazira and other major so called anti-American Arab media for over a year now, and I'm convinced that they are nothing but US government created news outlets to diffuse Arab anger and sidestep the real issues they are facing. That is US control of all the governments in the region. These news outlets are designed to give a superficial voice to the disenfranchised Arabs and provide a "pressure release valve" like mechanisms to avoid what the Arab population ought to be demanding. That is for US and EU not to interfere in their internal affairs.

Real independents will come through expulsion of American and European presents in the region in any shape or form while building indigenous civil societies that selects its government to serve Arab cultural and economical interests not US or multinationals. In most cases Arab or Middle East interests are in conflict with EU and US ever increasing need for oil and domination that stems from that need. The west likes to monopolize the oil so the price and supply can be guaranteed at all times. They have created a huge dependent monster of a economy for themselves and can't avoid needing to control the oil supply.

Once Arabs really decide for Arabs then Middle East much like SE Asia or China can begin to deal (do business) with Europe and US on a more equal footing (not the same footing for a while yet!). That means they can sell their oil to build an Arab economy based on her culture and societal needs not stupid highways to nowhere, ports, monuments to kings, and military hardware planned and built by US and EU firms.

At that time Arabs will be able to create the environment to reach economic independence and be a useful global partner as opposed to "rag heads that need to be taken care of". Then no one would have to worry about terrorism or radical Islamists.
I know this is a huge weight to be lifted, but we must "AIM HIGH", or brace ourselves for more attacks, war, killings, invasions, counter attacks,.....!!!!

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