Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am really baffled that Bush/Blair can with straight face ignore the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and have balls to blame everyone in the general vicinity for fighting the invaders. I am not sure what sort of drugs these boys are on.

What I know for sure is that they are trying to feed the domestic opinion machine with war support food. The fact is when you invade a country on false pretence you have nothing but lies as bases to go forward from there.

The "axes of imperialism" will keep providing for its population with unsustainable material and they will do anything to keep the advantage. The culprits keenly believe in their superior status and will not back off until they meet their match.

This axis is far more complex and layered than the "axis of evil" in that they are placed in there by western democracies with tacit support from its constituents. The constituants that are cultivated/accustomed with unsustainable ways of consumption and that are not willing to share power or wealth. Since they are democrats, they will go on trying to save the environment, critters, wetlands, or anything else that needs saving but will vote to invade and kill innocent people for oil and maintenance of a dreamy life standard, in another words "national interest".

This axis is based on force built upon colonialism.

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