Thursday, February 02, 2006

Little about spying, secret wire taps, and secrecy in general

Freedom and secrecy are in constant conflict, the more secret the actions the less free the air. I see us sliding towards secrecy induced by fear and anxiety. The leaders are constantly scaring us to accept secrecy to fight something or another.

Today we are spying on people that MAY be a suspect without a court order. That means the legal base and support for democracy is set aside for expediency, or they say. Tomorrow they will ask the we have to spy on citizens that are suspect within our country. Don't worry they are bunch of raggheads, we wouldn't dare spy on white America. Some time later after a white American blows himself up, they will say we are going to spy on some crazy left wing whites or off whites suspected enemy combatant.......And so on. They will stand tall on podiums rapped in old glory and nationalisim and say we will not allow our beloved country to be attacked again ---------

Are we ready for a TOTALITARIAN regime!!!!!!! Didn't WE go through this before?

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