I am not sure if its me or if others see the absurdly of US settling the nuclear dispute with North Korea just because they got the bomb. Doesn't that tell every country that sees itself in US cross hair or real (or perceived) interests in danger to go get the bomb. The west with US leadership is reinforcing the old and destructive notion that only powerful wins. It is a sad day for our human race to be reduced to such a primal being. I hoped, I guess naively, that we perhaps reached a high enough level to rise above our animalistic nature and resolve conflicts without use or even threat of force.
With the North Korean settlement mess we have moved back the clock on any progress we may have made on peaceful conflict settlement. We continue to reward violence with violence, invoke fear of violence to justify inflicting violence and terror on others on the grounds of preserving "democracy and freedom". We raise nationalistic blood pressure to justify preemptive military attach on our "enemies". We lump whole lot of people as our enemy and broadcast fear to our citizens to justify our actions.
Meanwhile the little white dove is getting tired of flying solo.
If we as people are not careful this whole mess will set us back few decades -----
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