Thursday, November 08, 2007

As I said before --- we in the west pretty much have forgotten the illegal and immoral invasion and occupation of Iraq. People and governments in Europe and US have moved on to other issues. The history will then have to be repeated again. The enemies such as Alqaida, Islamofacists, Taliban, Hezbollah, ...etc. are just common enemies. Until of course next spectacular attack from them. The whole scaring the bejusis out of the uninformed and ill-equipped electorate to let the government handle their safety and well being worked.

For the time being even the evil doers are taking time off and don't seem to have any action plans. Of course hundreds of the Arabs, Afghans, and Pakis die everyday but who gives a whoot!!! They don't worth as much anyways. Oh, another thing, we have all settled on one or two "Alliance Force" deaths a day as acceptable price of freedom. Isn't like an episode of Deep Space 9 or Glactica?????


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