Lets not forget those good old days of before 9/11 when we were intolerant of one another in a relatively good way. Boy have we the few and proud changed since that day. Those days of innocents when we would separate ourselves from the rest are gone. We have now grown as a nation and have faced the reality of being one of many. Our moral imperatives were left out to dry with Enemy Combatant", Guantanamo Bay detentions, Extraordinary Renditions, and detention without charges. We now are suspicious of way too many things and people and willing to let someone else take care of us.
Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, and Watergate seem like child play these days. Assassination of Kennedy feels more like walk in the park. Boy the old glory is now can really be called "old and mature glory".
This is not all bad or good, its just the way it is. We as the people of this planet (its not American any more) now have to show if we are cut out for this challenge. Our destinies are very much tied together now. We can't sit back hear and watch what happens on the other side of the pond. Not much of the pond is left to isolate and insulate us.
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