Friday, July 04, 2008

Obama Vs. McCain - VOTE 2008

In the last 30 years the US presidential candidates have all walked a generally narrow political path. For sure there were differences but more cosmetic than not. They were all internal CEO applicants that were committed to the company's way of doing business.

As far as governance we have not really seen any LEADERS but mostly EXECUTORS. These two candidates regardless of how white or black they are do follow the same pattern. So, you can go ahead vote for either of them and rest assured that if you are proud of the past and present performance of US then you will be fine.

These candidate have all risen from within the establishment that means this company only promotes within. The days of an outsider candidate reaching the top are gone. We will continue this inbreeding because its safe and we know what we are getting. Much like the European royalty did for centuries.

The USA Inc. will be successful in improving the bottom line and will work its darnedest to make senior executives get their hefty payouts and will keep try to get as much out of the rank and file as possible. Of course not to lose the worker's support occasionally they will give up some of the profits to keep the drones happy. That is called trickle down economy that was introduced in 80's. That meant the backbone of this nation and economy will get "trickles" to keep them going. That is the only difference between the first and the third world. In the third world there isn't a systematic way of keeping the faucet open to trickles for the worker bees. In those nations Executives (dictators, generals, clerics, ......) skim off the top all the time and nothing (systematically) gets through their greasy fingers.

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