Preemptive Imprisonment - Torture
Not much has changes since Necons glory days of post 9/11. Mr. Obama is pretty much on board with basic principles of preemptive attach from all fronts established as foundation of the "war on terror". The progressives are even coming up with more hawkish approach now while making it look like "its good for you" and compassionate. They are saying we will detain you and torture you and its good for you because we know whats best for you and love you too.
They are searching for Legal Opinions to detain and torture "terror suspects" before they become terror suspects. The idea is that there are some people that could someday in the future decide to take up arms against US so we must get them first. It is an Orvilian act with no end in sight, I wonder if Nazi Germany back in 1920's started with the same line of thinking about Jews, Gypsies, and Gays!! Its remarkable that people with progressive social and human agenda can fall this far off the cliff.
The so called suspect could be an Arab or Somalian that perhaps a computer model based on some top secret indicators has determined say, Mr. Abdulah has to be detained before he gets to the point of thinking about planning an attack on US. Oh, by the way top secret panel will decide what constitutes which indicators will require action by our patriots. Of course they can't and will not tell us what those top secret indicators are because the enemy will know and change their tactics!!!
Alright they will pick some key elected officials to let them know some of the top secret indicators. Someone like Pelosi, but shocks she can't be trusted to keep her mouth shot or play with the top secret rules that is subject to change because of our enemies change in methods to inflict harm on us. After all they just simply hate us because of all the freedoms we have!!
I think this needs to become a movie ------ Forget Japanese internment we are taking that same fear-hate-revenge scene to a much higher level with Mr. Obama presiding at the wheel.
Isn't great to be in the land of free ---
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