Afghan Election
This whole so called democracy in Afghanistan seems fishy to me. The vote count and recount seem to go on forever. In some ways its reminiscent of the Iran election except the Supreme Leader in Afghanistan is not one person but the US government. I think after the election US perhaps decided that Krazai needs to go and they need new faces for US consumption. After all they are free!! The Abdolah Abdolah is by the way from the same team that came ( I bet he was even in the same US C30 plane) from US after American soldiers cleared Bagram.
I find this whole Iraq and Afghanistan democracy thing repulsive and sad. They are not free and everyone knows it, because if they were you would not see Karzai, Abdolad, Maleki,.... gang calling themselves "the elected". They very much remind me of early days of Ghazafi.
Supreme Ayatollah USA will have to keep installing leaders to secure the regime. We need regime change by the people of the area and for the people of the area. Obama is and will play the game since the "world control" board game was handed to him.
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