Sunday, April 10, 2011

US Budget Drama Its unbearable to see what US political system has de-evolved to. The fight over the budget on about $36B even though abortion and clean water act were involved when country is in such a deep doo doo makes rational reasonable people puke. But I guess we are running out of those people. The oil based economy, fiscal whoring, total waste of resources, drunkenness with consumption and lack of moral compass are the source of the issues but meanwhile politicians conduct politics like its 1970's. I don't think they realize cold war has ended and business as usual is no more. Iraq is still occupied - no war crimes trials yet Afghanistan is a mess with no end in sight Several hindered PEOPLE are illegally kept in Guantanamo Our friendly ARAB dictators are nice and keep buying our arms Israel continues to occupy Palestine Mexico is a mess South America is not America! Canadians don't like us

1 comment:

Ron said...

Well said. But they do know the Cold War is over. This is why the USA is surrounding Russia with military bases suggesting fear of Iran. How incredibly stupid.