Monday, August 08, 2011

ARAB Spring - DOW Fall - OIL Winter - IMPERIAL Summer,

The problem is that we the people have been stupefied so much that nothing the elected have done since Reagan era is registering with us as fatally flawed. We borrowed and borrowed, continued with charging our lives with our national credit card. We were then sold on the notion that free market will save us all. Then we find free market is manipulated to protect "ICONS' of the economy, not so free market was it. The political/economical system now is essentially "Managed Market Economy" which means it will eventually fail like Communism if we continue living the "DREAM". It's time to demand for true market economy with basic "human rights" principles. Cut off the middleman and unwarranted profiteers. Let true free market be the driver. No EXCEPTIONS, no LOOPHOLES, no COMPLICATED TAX CODE, no CARBON EXCHANGE,......... Have clear laws that protects our global lives, health, planet, and human rights. That is the only role the government should have. Let right, left, ideals, and religion compete for audience without money behind them.

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