I feel good today...
I assume becuase fewer Iraqis and Americans are dying or being injured. Like everthing else in this world this illigal act will pass and rest in cubby holes of history. I'm just afraid that next time we invade there will be WMD and we will all be sorry. Meantime lets hope our smarter and wiser global leaders come to realization that we must be engaged each and everyday for just causes. Not just when we are personly attacked or impacted.
Last thing.......How can anyone with straight face blame everything on Palestinians, lets see, aren't there like several settlements all over westbank and gaza????Doesn't Israel have a standing army in Plaestanian teritory? I guess west just hasn't had any recent memory of being invaded-occupied and every act of libaration thus has become a terror act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the logic..........................
When I say we must be evenhanded or this shit is doomed, do you remember Rony's "beloved Contras", weren't they freedom fightingly raping and killing peasants?
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