Its really funny how Bush and the boys view war crimes. If its committed by the evil enemy the responsibility squarely falls on the leadership, but if cowboy GI's torture prisoners, its only very few bad apples. Even though its clear that orders were coming from highest levels to "soften the insurgents". One change from Vietnam era at least is that they were not summarily executed in the field and passed on as war casulties.
In either case of if these were islated incidents or systematicly planned torture fest, its a crime against humanity. If they (Bush and boys) didn't know what was happening for over a year in Iraq then they are incompitant and should be removed from leadership roles. How can we let them govern!!!!!!! Af if they knew then................
To systematically torture this many prisoners, and I know for sure there are lots more pictures and untold numbers that were not pictured of savagery in the prisons and streets of Iraq is a testament to how Bush and boys view non-Americans. With exception of European, although if he had it his way they wouldn't fare that much better. This cowboy I am sure hates blacks, Letinos, Asians, and Indians in US, since most likely he does not considers them American. He views them as not so smart and rich like nimself, lazy, mostly unemployed, and always looking for handouts.
I don't think he cares for US casualties since most of them are poor, uneducated, minorities, and over all worthless people. So from his perspective any war that US wages in the world is win-win situation for his pure white race. After all who joins a voulentary army.
On top of that, his conscious will always be clear because that gay Jesus guy is with him.
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