Saturday, October 02, 2004

I am a "Demuplican" as I suspect most are:

I believe in:

Woman's Right;
Heck for that matter eveyone's Rights;
Keep your religion to yourself;
Keep the Government out of my ass;
True and honest Capitalism (if you try to modify it then, I want to do that too!!);
Keep the government out of messing with businesses and protecting them against customers;
No limits to LAW SUITES;
Check and Balances;
Free Press not politically correct press;
No Press Monopoly;
Elect Supreme Court Judges;
Like guns but unless eveyone is disarmed we'll have to have them;
Graduated corporate taxation so as to kill monopolies among other vises:
No corporate or civil welfare, they all have to work hard;
But we can talk about leveling the playing field for both;

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