Monday, January 31, 2005

I still think the invasion of Iraq was immoral and unnecessary, but to be looking forward and not wasting time here are few items for the next day:

If the following is the case then so what!!!Because the fight will go on....

Top 10 List:

10 - candidates are ex-CIA, Expats, or all the outsiders
9 - Who is directing the TRAFFIC? Is it the White house.
8 - Remember battle of Algiers...Check points and humiliation..
7 - Do they really like imperial troops knocking at their door?
6 - Where did all the Iraqi money go? About $70B
5 - Are foreign workers still pillaging and plundering Iraqi resources with US administration?
4 - Who is going to benefit from Iraq oil????
3 - Are they better off today than they were 22 months ago? Water, power, sewer,...
2 - Is Iraq a US base? Are we there to stay.....(I think so)

Number ONE,

How many dead Iraqis will take to revenge 9/11?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

There must be a better way to confront blind patriotism without looking like a fool!! Let the freedom ring, if they really meant it, they know we don't.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I heard today why our soldiers hands are being tied behind their back fighting this war in Iraq. This came from a Vietnam vet. The old soldier thinks if the enemy has a gun you have all the right to shoot and kill no questions asked, at least that is how he killed back then. If a Cong fired at him he would shoot in his direction no matter who was in his way even women and children.

I can't imagine being in that position and not wanting to shoot everything in sight, that is a basic animal instinct. But last time I checked we the freedom loving people of the this country keep announcing how civilized we are, so that argument will not fly.

I tried, knowing it wouldn't work to say that is true if you are faced with a enemy army but not when you are an occupier with ZERO moral or legal standing to be there.

I guess I was wasting my time with this guy. But the funny thing is that I like him as person. I just think he is not getting it and also since that logic has worked for him all these years then its not his problem. Go figure!!

This is the story of the America, so blinded by pride and blind patriotism that otherwise decent people can say such things and think they are RIGHT>

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Its funny the Republican Party's ideology is more in tune with the Darwinian evolutionary idea than creationism but yet most of the rank and file consider themselves religious and god fearing. The Democrats or liberals (American style) on the other hand believe in social justice, protecting the weak, more laws and order (not the TV show), ...etc. These ideas are more in line with creationism concept of the MAKER wanting everything for his children than ungodly pagans that they known to be.

The republicans believe in deregulated free market without any controls which is more like natural selection ideas of the evolution. The selfish gene if allowed to propagate and provide all that is needed for social safeguards since that is how "self" can survive.

I guess that is why both sides of the American mainstream political "fans" (followers) are so screwed up and unpredictable. They have split personality and can't seem to stay with even the core belief system of their respective politics.

Thanks to mass media we don't have to think much about any of that since experts will explain them to us on a daily bases.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

How can now WEST condemn torture by other governments. Aren't they trying to protect their people from terrorists?????

The Jennie is OUT, they can now kick, punch, ........With impunity.

Thank you uncle Sam.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I wonder where does Grand Old Patriots (GOP) find these HOUSE BOYS in this day and age. The hunger for money and power I guess is the only source of these traitors to their race and the struggle.
Torture American style

The so called WAR on terror has shown the ugly faces of racism, hatred, hegemony, I got mine you go fuck yourself, and bigger SUV for my white friends.

Now with torture being redefined by Bush boys guised and disguised with patriotic love of the county has opened another front in "force" factor:

Today torture is OK to stop suspected terrorists from harming you and me.

Tomorrow - Racial profiling combined with torture at home will make us even safer. There are about 6M of them dirty old Muslims in US.

Next Day - Torturing suspected rapists will result quicker confession

Next next day - What about them gays!

next next next day - Abortion doctors!

next next next next day - non Christians!


Looks like a slippery slope to me.......

I wonder how the HEARTLAND is thinking of all that??????????? Or do they give a shit until its too late. Just remember you guys few shotguns and pistols aint gona protect you from tyranny!!!!!

Monday, January 03, 2005

To protect faith based freedom you can kill, maim, or otherwise do anything to non-believers. In fact the faith instructs to do that and that is how you gain acceptance.

Until more of the other 99.9999% people of the world gain a better understanding of what it means to live within your means the WEST will continue to subjugate the rest of the world with majority of westerners unwittingly supporting that endeavor. In most cases they even do not see what is being done in their name.