Thursday, January 06, 2005

Torture American style

The so called WAR on terror has shown the ugly faces of racism, hatred, hegemony, I got mine you go fuck yourself, and bigger SUV for my white friends.

Now with torture being redefined by Bush boys guised and disguised with patriotic love of the county has opened another front in "force" factor:

Today torture is OK to stop suspected terrorists from harming you and me.

Tomorrow - Racial profiling combined with torture at home will make us even safer. There are about 6M of them dirty old Muslims in US.

Next Day - Torturing suspected rapists will result quicker confession

Next next day - What about them gays!

next next next day - Abortion doctors!

next next next next day - non Christians!


Looks like a slippery slope to me.......

I wonder how the HEARTLAND is thinking of all that??????????? Or do they give a shit until its too late. Just remember you guys few shotguns and pistols aint gona protect you from tyranny!!!!!

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