Friday, August 17, 2007

No. 2 US commander in Iraq said today "we are planning quick strike raids to smash al-quada and other insurgence in all of Iraq before reducing our forces". I bet same promises were made in Vietnam. Insurgency of this kind by definition could not be smashed, they are fighting in their homeland. The "homeland insecurity" will have to be smashed.


Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say ameriki need for remember when usa finally leaving the vietnam.

how long take for peace coming after usa kick out of saigon? A: three day then the peace of 36 yr and not have the problem.

usa govt make all same lie during vietnam war. need stay and kill more gook until all stable.

usa now punish for the cruel and the torutre and also for the be obedient slave of israeli and losing the soul.

now ameriki him woman all the slut take the LBT (low back tattoo) and sex with evry man even gang member. him so ashame now. and the wife become the lesbian and kick man from the house him owning. this wicked and for punuish amneriki man, not have full size gonad and let usa govt the war crime.

every ameriki son him the gay homosexual. ameriki not have the happy family or the grandchild so beautiful. ameriki woman just have the dog. also ameriki killing 52 million baby with the abortion kill now need aztec and maya for repopulate land. soon exteinction ameriki because not breed him woman.

Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say ameriki need for remember when usa finally leaving the vietnam.

how long take for peace coming after usa kick out of saigon? A: three day then the peace of 36 yr and not have the problem.

usa govt make all same lie during vietnam war. need stay and kill more gook until all stable.

usa now punish for the cruel and the torutre and also for the be obedient slave of israeli and losing the soul.

now ameriki him woman all the slut take the LBT (low back tattoo) and sex with evry man even gang member. him so ashame now. and the wife become the lesbian and kick man from the house him owning. this wicked and for punuish amneriki man, not have full size gonad and let usa govt the war crime.

every ameriki son him the gay homosexual. ameriki not have the happy family or the grandchild so beautiful. ameriki woman just have the dog. also ameriki killing 52 million baby with the abortion kill now need aztec and maya for repopulate land. soon exteinction ameriki because not breed him woman.

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