Sunday, September 19, 2004

I had an interesting conversation with a friend last night. A republican with lot more reasoning, he said that what Bush has lacked since 9/11 is the compationate part of "compationate conservative". He was and is not so much now for the war in Iraq. He said the use of violence or terror should be used like "nudge" or "punch" before saying OK what is going on here and how can we fix the problem. He compared this method to the way he managed when working for a large company. If there was a problem with one of the sales regions of the company he would go there and find the most guilty party and would fire him. Then he would ask all the staff to get to gether and find out what went wrong and how the company and staff can improve the situation.

All this is find and dandy if the Bush and the boys intended to run a country (at least the foreign relation part) like democratic successfully company. But this duets are not that hommy!!!!!

If hi idea would be the case here, we would have about a year ago had said following issues MUST be put on the table and resolved to ensure security for all and not just North America:

1) Get Palestinian and Israel in a room and broker a real fix
2) Tell Saudies its time to go
3)Tell Egyptians that let the freedom ring
4)Stop supporting old thugs
5)Show that US is with poor Muslims and not their rulers

That would be the only way to neutralize a increasing numbers of radical Muslims. There are about 70% of them that are sick and tired of being marginelized and about 10% that are willing to do something.

Lets not shock and Awe them, instead gains the heart and minds by respecting them.

THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE, except endless war.

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