Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It appears that GOP planners have made the decision for people that Bush will be in the white house for another 4 years. The scare mongers have made their case with people, it is in fact an easy task to win another term on nothing else but fear. This administration without 9/11 would have been done away with as early as first part of this year. Go figure, I say if he is elected in November then we have no one to blame but ourselves. After all we are free to choose the president, or are we when we are bound in vail of fear???

They have convinced most in believing that Bush will fight terror with much heavier and convencing terror then Kerry!!!! I think either way, Kerry or Bush, we are in for a long rough road ahead, nothing is going to come easy anymore. We no longer can sit on the other side of the pond and let others do our dirty work. So, friends pull your sleeves up and start doing some damage.

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