Saturday, December 31, 2005

By invading and occupying Iraq to bring democracy at gun point, or so what Bush and corporate media tell its electorate, US will never be any safer from attackes than she was before or after 9/11. In fact these same policies in the last 40 years have contributed to such an organized and deep rooted rebellion against US. The opposition has used whatever at its disposal, such as Islam and unconditional support for Israel today and will use other available tools later to fight what it sees attempt at total domination by few states.

The fact is clear that the counter response to West's designs are consolidating and will further mature and cover all aspects of a well organized front. The days of cold war and one superpower are numbered.

The history will not look kindly at these last 15 years which West lead the world by US as the headmaster. They had an ideal position to do something that would change the entire plight of human kind fro the foreseeable future. In contrary the power houses were too worried about protecting their own short term "National Security" backyards and totally disregarded the bigger picture. They only thought about bigger homes, more iPODs, bigger SUVs, and opening up markets for their products. What they failed to do to build a true global community made of ethnic and regional neighborhoods. What they could have done was to breakdown the "national" barriers and created shared communities.

Then main cause of this missed opportunity is the market economies of the states with Nukes and capital. These econmomic systems that may have worked in 20's throught 60's if not substantially reforemd will collapse under its own weight by ultimately not responding to our global needs. They may have worked for single community with clear nationl bounderies but as they stand it can not support a multicultural global community. This system will creat more ethinic and class fighting leading to more wars.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This what the president Bush said today:

President Bush (Dec. 14): "We are living through a watershed moment in the story of freedom. Most of the focus now is on this week's elections -- and rightly so. Iraqis will go to the polls to choose a government that will be the only constitutional democracy in the Arab world. Yet we need to remember that these elections are also a vital part of a broader strategy for protecting the American people against the threat of terrorism."

This man should room with Ahmadinejad -- They both are out of this world.

Now we will see how these lies will pan out -- Lets hope the corporate media remembers this day like many others in the last 1000 days of illegal/immoral/unnecessary invasion and occupation of Iraq with thousands dead and injured.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I wonder if today people are voting for "Ali-Baba and Forty occupiers in Baghdad"?????

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Assuming Saddam trial is not a show by an occupying force to pacify Iraqis, we can use this model to bring to justice other mass torcher and killers.

I say UN or non-aligned members to investigate/interview Powell, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bennett, and others in Bush administration outside of US on what they knew before invading Iraq that lead to killing and torcher of thousands of Iraqis. If we have a right to question governments officials in Syria then Bush administration is no exception. If the rule of law to be applied uniformly we must interrogate the Bush team.

Then we'll see how high of a moral stand this corrupt Bush team is standing on.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Perhaps terrorism is only the West's problem. This latest mutation or the Islamic version is nothing but effects, the cause resides in EU and North American capitals. To expect middle East to curb or take action against this outbreak is like asking Palestinian to stop resisting occupation before the occupier could arrange to perhaps leave their land. The eggs layed by the cold war manipulations and colonialism are beginning to hatch!!!!!
No cigar------

Friday, December 02, 2005

Just got back from Middle East after about two years. The gulf between West and Middle East's understating of what is going on with Iraq, their oil, and host of other political, social, and economical issues is as wide as gulf of Mexico. The crap that is being fed to people of both side of the divide is unbelievable. Both side is being told things that do not exist.

Here in the land of free a picture of evil and barbarics are created of Middle East and over there a picture of blood sucking imperialists that its entire purpose is to destroy the Muslim world. So, in short we are even farther apart than we were before 9/11. One crazy act of terror has lead to creation of a conflict that will last generations. The hatred on both side is becoming institutionalized.

All the pieces are coming together for the clash of civilizations. In perhaps 10 to 20 years our boys from Iowa and elsewhere will continually fight the Muslims in several locations with help from the "Allies of the evil" to fight the "Axis of the evil.

meanwhile other issues like China and India complicating the conflict. At least for now these two future great powers will sit on the side line and let the great power do the fight.

Most of this conflict is fueled by the US fight to win policy to secure natural resources for its enless need to waste.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

When it comes to local or world political issues I believe in natural selection.

After all said and done the one that can better adjust and anticipate change will survive. This is true in the case of Arabs working to secure a state for the Palestinians or Venezuela ensuring their sovereignty is not trampled by multinational oil companies with close ties to big guns. And the third world struggle to fight off first world economic domination through political manipulation.

Bottom line is that the competing interests will have to fight for survival. If Iranians are smart enough they will ensure that their short term and long term interests are not shit canned by stupid remarks. Mexico will use its powerful neighbor to improve its plight (there is no reason for them to come over the border for work).

Cuba will have to prove with action that their social model works despite all the roadblocks they encounter. The US will continue to project force, sweet talk, bribe, and ideologically argue why her method is the best. Israel will continue to influence anyone they can to help them survive and perhaps expand its power in the region.

That is how natural selection supposed to work, its about survival.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Here is an IDEA;

What if 50 years from now a world body decides that native Americans have been savagely brutalized for several hundred years and they must have their own nation. So, they carve out Texas, California and Nevada to form the North American Indian Republic (NAIR). I wonder how the white (non-Indian) Texans and Californians that will be forced to move out of those states think and fight back.

That is the plight of the Palestinians. Lets not treat them like they are a nation and have these stupid demands like, you must stop your struggle for independence before we can give you your independence. The Palestinians are not on the same footing as Israel with enormous material and moral support from West.

Palestinians are an occupied and broken people that need our help not our savagery.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well, Well, Well ------

Here is the rundown:

Miers pulls back her nomination -- Here is a clever Bush tactic in tough times. He is in deep shit with CIA agent leak, illegal/immoral invasion of Iraq, and finally coming to light his inability to bringing quite and assurance to the social and political seen. People are ever more unsure of present and future, his leadership, or lack of, has contributed to this sense of unease in the country.

The continued casualties in Iraq with no end in sight is giving this man of privileged (WAR PRESIDENT)more sleepless nights.

Miers resignation is supposed to show that he is not as bad as everyone thinks he is and will compromise. This message is spinned for both wacky right and drugged up left. The supposed religious conservatives are getting the boss attention and made up left is sacking the Roe vs. Wade killer.

Bottom line is that the political machine that is made up of right and left of democratic dominance is making adjustments to not sink the boat. That is it. All the politicians in DC know that but grass root is as usual dreaming.

One other item --- It just occurred to me that religion in US is also a corporate entity. That is its a produce that has to be manipulated to better the lives of the people. The benefits of how its cultivated in the open society out weighs the harm that it causes. Christianity is particular has be turned into commodity. With bunch of entrepreneurs working to come up with a better mouse trap.

Lets Welcome the """CORPORATE RELIGION""" to our neighborhoods.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The most egregious domination of any peoples today is the Palestinian plite. This inhumane occupation and treatment of these people by Israel and total support by West will bring the day reckoning someday.

For close to 50 years this imaginary nation has been created and propped up based on European guilt and reward for failing Jews in 30's and 40's.

This graft vs. host disease can not be sustained because the foundation of this nation is not natural. The settlement of European Jews in Middle East can not take. The western Jews are like fish out of water. The Palestinians will not be able to conform to a more advanced European civil and political structures, at least nor for foreseeable future.

What we have here is forced South African apartheid constantly fueling the race and cultural differences. Its inevitable for the future that this wall will crumble and the European Jews will either leave or remain like much of the white South Africans have today.

That is the final settlement of the Arab - Israeli conflict.

Monday, October 24, 2005

BUSH - The domestic Front

The only thing bush and its trickle down economic elitist have in their favor is an economy that is HUGE. This economy has been able to absorb numsculls in the past. With slight dips and side steps its has kept going up. The imperial economy of US is far bigger than neocons or Clinton cigar boys. This large machine almost has its own internal life and driver. The politicians do influence the parts but they just oil and lube this monster. The military portion of the economy is so dominant that I wouldn't pass them to create conflicts so they can stay in "command and control".

They are boys with big guns and you'll have to take it from their cold hands.

I see however this trend is not going too well. The old American dream keeps getting further and further from reach. There is no frontier to exploit and concur, no Indians to kill, no Mexicans to push back, no clear evil to kill. As if the American experience is now reached the usual mundane everyday stage. Now we must learn to deal with our messes and have to dwell in this confined island. The manifest of destiny has now been converted to manifest of You Are Here.

The next twenty years are very exciting for this experiment. I suspect much of what we see today will remain in play but we should witness beginnings of some profound changes like:

1) Identity crisis - who are we now that we have tamed this beast
2) Established cultural Divide - Whites, blacks, Hispanics.....Etc.
3) Regionalized ethnic centers - Whites up north, Blacks down south, Hispanics southcenteral,.....
4) Economic model not adjusting to rapid pace of changed conditions - Market economy succeeds when you don't have deep cultural divide and elitist class.

Of course these are based on past dictating the future, and that can also change ====

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am really baffled that Bush/Blair can with straight face ignore the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and have balls to blame everyone in the general vicinity for fighting the invaders. I am not sure what sort of drugs these boys are on.

What I know for sure is that they are trying to feed the domestic opinion machine with war support food. The fact is when you invade a country on false pretence you have nothing but lies as bases to go forward from there.

The "axes of imperialism" will keep providing for its population with unsustainable material and they will do anything to keep the advantage. The culprits keenly believe in their superior status and will not back off until they meet their match.

This axis is far more complex and layered than the "axis of evil" in that they are placed in there by western democracies with tacit support from its constituents. The constituants that are cultivated/accustomed with unsustainable ways of consumption and that are not willing to share power or wealth. Since they are democrats, they will go on trying to save the environment, critters, wetlands, or anything else that needs saving but will vote to invade and kill innocent people for oil and maintenance of a dreamy life standard, in another words "national interest".

This axis is based on force built upon colonialism.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Is it possible that west and other nuclear powers have accepted nuclear Iran. It is becoming more apparent that perhaps Iran does posses the bomb and what we have been witnessing is a gradual introduction of that fact.

In any case a nuclear Iran would add another dimension to east-west picture. Perhaps both sides can then begin to explore the similarities and not focus so much on the differences. Once middle East is assured of its place in the international arena in the way of nuclear capability then we may see an improved and constructive dialog between the two civilizations.

In any case the situation existed up to this point in my view does not and will not ever bring that understanding. The colonial and imperial history of the region will not allow such dialog under current conditions

The nuclear Iran and Pakistan will===============

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I think perhaps the American version of democracy based on protecting ones national interest is not sustainable and ultimately would crash and burn under its own weight, it will take outside forces to change. Or on the other hand it will find its misdeeds and change direction organically. In either case the "ideological" evolutionary of "preferred selection" will prevail.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I read today that according to 2004 census Americans spend more money on pets than other areas. This is another indication of the experiment gone south. When do we wake up? So buried in self indulgence that nothing makes sense anymore, while the Rome is crumbling.

On the positive note: the Supreme Court nominee MS. Miers is single and is worth less than $250K (according to the power house) even though she is a born again and Bush's work wife.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here we go again the faith smoke and mirror president has done it again. He has selected Harriet (jet) Miers to the high bench. I truly think all this talk of faith, god, born again, and conservative values are nothing but sound bites used by these "white" boys to fenagle the electrets. They are convinced and from the last election's result have come to believe that most people are buying this crap.

If this continues for another term or two kiss this whole experiment goodbye.

OH one more thing --- Still the invasion and occupation of Iraq is/was useless, illegal and immoral. Go tell that to all the families that have lost their loved ones and remind Georgy Poo what faith and god can do!!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The contempt that elitist in White House and other centers of power have for the unfortunates like minorities and non-whites are every now and again shows up in rare slip ups. The Raegan's education secretary Bennett's radio statement about connection with lowering crime rates in US with aborting every black pregnancy was a slight window in how they think but cleverly disguise. These conservative hate mangers are not really hateful, that's just the way they believe. In their mind its just the way god created it. Some are more intelligent than others. Much like their colonial ancestors.

I agree that he was misquoted, but for a professional politician and a educator to even slip up like that to me shows how he really thinks. I have seen it in much lower levels in the town I live how they have nothing but contempt for Asians, Blacks, immigrants, Arabs, Women, or anyone other than their white northern European buddies. The Bush "white" house is now full of these guys.

This is not to say the Clinton "white" house didn't have a large contingent of these dudes!!! Demos on the other hand can better mask the real characters.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The joke is when Bush and European talk about "Iraq sovereignty". That (made up country will not see sovereignty until every single occupier is out of its soil and perhaps followed with 10-15 years of civil fuck fest. Those poor bastard's will have to kill for a long time. That is why it was invaded and don't forget that. Now they can be busey in thier own backyard.

Monday, September 19, 2005

The Katrina showed that the local governments, the jewel of our democratic system is powerless in events of great importance. The cities and counties in large part and states are hopelessly dependent on our 800 pound gorilla, the federal government. This federalist system if allowed will continue to not meet the people's needs at local and grass root levels. This huge monopoly has been complacent for years with large amount of revenue coming to its coffers unchecked. Washington has eroded the "people" aspect of the government by the people for the people. It is now a government that believes it knows what is good for the people, no questions asked. Increasingly questions about the governance is being met with disdain and contempt.

particularly now after 9/11 any attempt to rein this 800 pound gorilla is met with the "national security" and "homeland security" trump card to sidestep the people's grievances. On the other hand what is good for corporations are good for people.

unfortunately the American people are still in a state of shock after 9/11 mainly because this administration has hijacked that tragic event and has manipulated it to meet its short and long term strategic goals.

I do not believe that these guys in Washington are evil or mean to destroy the "American Dream", but I believe they are in that same mode as Enron was thinking that what they do now can bring prosperity later, even though it may not be above the board. By laying about the state of the politics and erosion of out individual freedoms they believe they can bring better days.

They also I think have convinced themselves of this over exaggeration of what happened on 9/11. I again strongly believe the terrorist attacks on 9/11 deserve our utmost attention but the current strategy will not do the trick. This approach of us and them based on past experience will escalate to more violence on both sides with each getting further and further from why they are fighting. This conflict in time will become like the IRA insurgency against British where after several decades no one will know why they are fighting except for responding to the latest attack and defending against a future one.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The FEMA fiasco is indicative of this administration relying mainly on loyalty and patronage rather than abilities, skills, and commitment to service to fill positions. So long as appointee "breaks the ideological bread" and invokes god several times and is tied to the "corporate family" he or she is in.

I wonder how they are spending billions of dollars for homeland security. Lets hope they are not buying $5000 service revolvers and such. You see, the old Roni, his protege did that in 80's as you may recall if you have not conveniently developed dementia.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The US administration seems to be faced with a reality far different from what rest of the world is facing. The "BUSH WHITE BOYS" are now setting to rewrite the latest UN charter to rid this world of poverty and perhaps change the conflict based relationships between slaves and masters. They are now wanting to Americanize the UN charter, as if rest of the world is here to serve uncle Sam. Of course as usual Western Europe is on board sort-a-kind-a, you see, that is because they want the UN to be Europeanized. Its not that they care about Africa, Middle East, Poverty, Aids, or anything else. They both are concerned about this matters only as it relates to their own well being.

I just wished they would say that its all about themselves. I can sympathize with that sort of candor and frankness. What pisses me off is Bush and Europeans acting holier that though and making this hegemony seem like a high moral stand by kicking around empty words like democracy and freedom.

The modern powers (after WW2) have never encouraged freedom and democracy in deed. What ever democratic movements have succeeded since then were because people fought for them, not because Europe or US have allowed it. The democracy has only been used by West to further its prosperity and security.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

This world will continue to see violence. It is ironic that we in US spend more in cat food (over $9B) than most of the countries in the world on health care. When such a disparity exists where a pet has more value than a human being its no wonder there is so much conflict. I know the " hard working hunter gatherer" says we work hard and deserve all these privileges, but I say that is true if you live in a jungle and its all about you, remember that we left that life style several thousand years ago and now are CIVILIZED.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I am again reminded how biased the mainstream media in US is against Arabs and Palestinians. The coverage of removal of little over 8,000 settlers from Gaza is an indications of the deep hostility the US government and its corporate media has towards Arabs. There were 8,000 people encouraged by over 40 years of US support to settle in an area inhabited with over 1 million Arab "native" and refugees from the creation of Israel in 1945. We the tax payers in US have financed this occupation and dare to ask why they hate us!!!!!!!

The ratio of 8,000 to 1,000,000 is the indicative of how we in US and West in general views the Arabs. Bush's foreign policy and presidents before that has been based on loathing and disrespect for non Judeo-Chriscians of the world. This is the crux of the conflict between east and west, not the smoke screen Bush is presenting to American people for invading, detaining, economically terrorizing, and disregarding Arabs and others. Chinese and Indians know that and hopefully they will be the catalyst for changing this deep western hatred for anything non-western, or else!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Invasion planners in White House and Pentagon knew that we have short memory, like all the other military adventures in the past, people have adjusted to the killings now. If the number of dead stays in the two or three a day, well, we are ok with that.

Its so absurd that Bush is now acting like someone else decided to invade Iraq. He has been saying these days that we can't pull out of Iraq because "they" the people of Iraq will suffer. What a humanitarian, someone in the bible belt should nominate him for the Nobel prize!!!!!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

We in US may hide our head in the sand and pretend it didn't happened like we have done for sixty years but Japanese and rest of the (aware) world will never forget August 6, 1945, the day Hiroshima was nuked. YOU SIMPLY DO NOT KILL 250,000 innocent people in one shot to convince the enemy that you can. That day in our collective history is a constant reminder of the viciousness of man kind. To kill so many civilians to win a war is a war crime.

We the Americans on that day lowered the bar on what can morally be done to win the "war". Now it will not surprise me if a country decides to preemptively nuke another nation to prevent a potential WAR.

This DAY will never be forgotten except in places where wining is everything.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

If we Americans don't want to or can't believe that we are occupiers, they (the occupied) know that we are, when our leaders have to visit the occupied land without prior notice. All these unannounced visits are tell tales of that fact.

Wake up America!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Unjustified Killing --

I think the pure and civilized people of the world maybe are now more aware of "state sponsored terror" everywhere not just in the evil places. The poor Brazilian guy in London could have been in Darfur, Baghdad, Tehran, New York, Mexico City, or anywhere else that a "mad as hell cops with guns" are out to get the bad guy. You see, when it comes to violence non of us are immune.

Perhaps Bush can appreciate what happened and why Zahra Kazemmi was accidentally killed in Evin prison in Iran. You see, after all we are only few shrapnel, bullets, air raids, cluster bombs,....etc from unintended evil.

He who casts the first stone will have to hide behind bullet proof vest.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

It's absolutely amazing to me that intelligent people that I come across with everyday seem to have accepted that US should invade and occupy a country without as much as a single convincing reason for doing so. Other than this vague idea that its done to make us safer in wake of 9/11. These are the same people that question a simple proposal for instance, to close a county park with so much in-depth analysis and fact finding evaluations.

I recently heard our Senator saying that deciding and planning for a road project in the city is more complex than what he does in Washington fighting the War and working on Social Security. I know he was saying that in jest, but common............................

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Iraq is still an OCCUPIED land, lets not forget that. The neocons may forget that but how can the occupied. When invading soldiers are roaming the streets without impunity. What do you expect they or any occupied people will do? Should they be thankful and bow down to the conqueror, some have, but most will not.

If I am faced with occupiers guess what I'll do---------------------

Friday, July 15, 2005

With the illegal, immorally, and unnecessarily invasion of Iraq we have sent that country 40 years back in time. Destroyed their physical framework, not to mention killing thousands of innocent people, that would take several decades for them to get back to what they had before the invasion.

And we say whey they hate us --------------------

All this for revenge ===== Nothing else can explain this madness.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Something about words that don't mean anything is that they get forgotten and they will not make any difference in people's lives --- Words like: Terror, Evil, War on Terror, Jihadist, crusaders, extremists,.....

All that they do conjure up feelings of hatred and unbending desire to reject

Monday, July 11, 2005

Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States are the only permanent and veto-wielding members of the powerful UN

The only common element between the above countries is Nuclear Weapon, and lots of them.

Now this may partly explain why they hate us!!!!

When decision makers are lined up based on their fire power, then its no wonder that the decisions could at times not benefit the non represented.

Friday, July 08, 2005

--If Green Peace and Al-Qaida merge we'll have "Al Green". In fact the synergy this joint venture will produce might galvenis more of the silent majority. But it could be like AOL joining Time Warner and soon the Al will be dropped and we will have to deal with GREEN.

--The major fights of the next generation will be about GREEN.

--I just read an opinion that terror attacks against innocent people in Europe will ultimately hurt the Muslims all over the world. That is the main stream Muslims that want and like to leave in peace. Could this all be a ploy to keep the pressure on!!!!! Is the cheap oil the cause ---- I just don't know -----

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Here is another great idea:

Nukes for everyone -- What if the world treats Nukes like US treats gun control. If you ban guns only bandits and governments will have them and GOD knows what will happends then. So, in order to avoid global tyranny why not require all nations to have nukes or give'm the option to have them.

Isn't that a great idea or what --- I wonder how neocons and NRA dudes think about that!!!

Its a God given right to bare NUKES.

I bet you we could be much safer as folks would try to settle differences more.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I am reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jerad Diamond -- Good stuff, I'll let you know when I'm done

Saturday, June 25, 2005

There is HOPE ---- Everything passes and life goes on

Whats needed is our collective care for a pleasant present and an outstanding long term future for all ---- future of us all ---- Individualism is only the oxygen that will help the entire being survive, its not everything.

SO go live large but not like LA large and "feel your life", remember its not about wining so much as its about growing and feeding.


Friday, June 24, 2005

Our military boys with approval from the White House (our representatives) are now counting Iraqi deads!!!!

Its funny that its only doing it selectively -- What could this mean

They only count dead insurgents now------make me a cheese sandwich

Maybe this could explain a little why they hate us.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I still don't feel safer than before or after 9/11.

Why our media spends 90% their time (other than half baked news) covering what impacts less than 0.1% of the population. Why we are not debating and discussing what happends to majority of the people. There are about 10,000 murders in US a year, that is less than 0.1% of all deaths but looking at any newspaper or TV news you'd think most of the population is being murdered everyday.

No man, that is only happening in Iraq not here.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

To join the nuclear club for the developing nation has also an economical component. They no longer have to spend vast amount of their GNP for self defense and can direct more of those funds for other more important use. May be that is one of the reason why the nuclear powers don't like others to have them. In most cases they are the arms dealers profiting from killings coming from conventional weaponry!!!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2005

One thing about Europeans that are more sinister than Americans is their unrepentant racism. Americans hate people that they don't know but our European cousins hate all non-Europeans without exception period.

The only reason why Europeans seem to champion the cause of such poor bastards like Palestinian is because of their Colonial history. They know how to manipulate their subjects. Where as US policies are purely based on good vs bad as it relates to its survival and prosperity.

If you want to see how indifferent to diversity the Europeans are just go over there and visit those countries and compare them to how minorities are treated in US. US is where all the oppressed people still want to come, eventhough the US policies have in most cased contributed to their predicament. NOW, THAT IS IRONY WRAPPED IN DICHOTOMY......

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The abuses of prisoners or passing out pictures of prisoners are all as a result of an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. When the world sits idle and seems to accept the dominant power's projection of force these daily events are inevitable.

The exremists in US or British military see nothing wrong with their actions. Abusing and Killing Arabs or afghans becomes acceptable because the politicians have made it so. I do not blame the foot soldiers they are just a tool as Saddam was in 70's and 80's. When Bush grins at hearing of such news what can anyone expect from the soldiers.

I blame all this mess only on Bush and his team, plus several congresspeople that have agreed to pursue this violent policy of invasion and occupation.

I say it again, after all is said and done, its the people that voted to reelect Bush are the source of continuation of this madness.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Is there anyone left in US politics with "BALLS" to stand up and say enough!!

The Bush policy is leading our world to "Nuclear Oil". Is this dependence on oil by West worth the killings and suffering?! This policy of oil at any price could also lead to "nuclear contamination of the oil fields" that will not significantly affect the third world but will devastate the industrial nations.....Is that what bible is calling for? Are we in West so greedy and selfish that its all for one or nothing.

We shall see if common sense will prevail, but I don't see that and I'm not sure if we can wait another three years!!! I suspect in three years Iran and North Korea will unleash a no returning nuclear race to protect limited resources and cultures from dominant powers and cultures.

We in west will either change our economics and cultural dominant postures or the race is on.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Here is my prediction for Iraq:

In two years we will not be talking about insurgent leader Zarqavi, he'll be probably dead, but there will be another leader that we'll have to get. Israel has been doing this for over forty years and there is no end to new "crop of leaders".

This is mainly about occupation and maybe few other issues such as Sunis, Saddam buddies,...Etc. But ultimately its about a powerful foreign force in your land, you can see it in their eyes, maybe not so much in their actions when embedded photographers are taking pictures....

Bottom line is that this not how its done .................

Monday, May 02, 2005

I see light at the end of the tunnel now ---------

The Bush team has done all the damage they can and the pendulum is swinging towards reason and problem solving method of working our worlds sickness. The smart and good people with honorable intentions will prevail.

The world's people are much more complex than bunch of flag waiving hypocrite.


Friday, April 29, 2005

A Palestinian friend just came back to US from Jordan where he ahs seen a large contingent of rich Iraqis (recent arrivals) living "large" in Oman. They are cruzing the high end streets with their Benz and porches with high level of police security around them. I wonder who these people are and how they were/are connected to events before and after the invasion of Iraq. We'll see if any of the so called free and objective US media outlets look into this anomaly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For some reason I just can't see that happening now, may be 10 years from now Frontline will nostalgically cover the story.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

PLEASE BE REMINDED that all these killing of Iraqis, Americans, Bulgarian,.....Etc, are the work of Bush administration. This illegal, immoral and unnecessary war is the 21st century's first major unjustified aggression that could lead us all to more heart ache and misery. I guarantee you Al Gore would not have reacted so violently to 9/11. This mayhem is directly the result of few ideologs within the republican party that have hijacked the good intentions of majority of its members.

They will someday soon have to answer to this violent and destructive reaction. We had so much good will on the day and after 9/11, where did all that good will go??

If we are to become an ownership society then we must be accountable for our action. SO, everyone that voted for Bush in 2004 will need to think hard.

I do not advocate a wait and see attitude, there are many things we should do to ensure our safety, but random killing is not one of them.

Friday, April 15, 2005

This Bush administration is so out of it that can't even begin to understand that the world is changing. The "old" imperial mindset is eroding the American stature. We are no longer are valid champions of true "people rights", we are getting to a point of basic animal instinct of mere survival. With our economy based on a false sense of no end to resources and ideology that we can provide for our people the needed supplies has propagated this unsustainable consumerisim life style we have become so accustomed to. By force our government in our name has assured that we can continue in this dreamy life and keep buying bigger and bigger things without paying for its costs. We are given this line that is because we work hard and smart. No dear, its because we bring organized force to others so we may get what we need.

Well, my fellow Americans the chicken is coming to roost. Our government by manipulating other countries ever since WW II kept bringing the bacon. Now we need to figure out how to pay for it. We the people of this country are guilty of this crime not our politicians. We kept voting them in an were (and still are) happy with the results. They did what we asked them, either thorough corporate greed, complacency or not really caring.

I say to majority of Americans, you are to blame not your government. Your government has done to central American, south America, Middle East and Africa what was needed to provide you with bigger house, larger TV, largest truck, more option at the grocery stores,.......... It is you that don't care how they've done it, how many people were killed, jailed, tortured, made poorer, raped,.......

So don't cry................OK

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The current Western political and social structures can not continue without vilans. That is rouge states, terrorists, insergants, and freedom haiting people that will require a constantly mobilized force. The west will have to even creat vilans to continue survival as a political force. This is clearly evident after fall of the Soviet Union, the vacume that was created was unacceptable. But thanks to Islamic terrorists and axis of evil we all can rest assured that we will prevaile and be victorious. No one is asking what the hell is that we are wining??????

Iran, Iraq, N korea and other states are products of failed social/economical frame work that has been developing for over 50 years.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I found this article which in my mind provides the back drop to most of our modren problems----------------SEE AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF:

Iraq, Kashmir, Palestine, Northern Ireland: The root causes of the world's hottest conflicts lie in the break-up of Europe's colonial empires. But who dares admit it?

Do you want to know the real scandal of the year 2005?

According to The Sun in England and the world press, the scandal occurred when Prince Harry (son of British Crown Prince Charles) in January showed up at a party in Wiltshire, wearing a German Nazi uniform.

The picture of the 20-year-old wearing a swastika armband and a Wehrmacht badge with a cigarette and drink in hand, shocked the world.

Rightfully, the prince's flirting with Adolf Hitler's killing of six million Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals was strongly condemned.

But here's the real conundrum: Do you know what Harry's older brother Prince William wore at the same party celebrating their friend's 22nd birthday with 250 guests in attendance?

The answer is "native African" dress. Prince William proudly wore a Zulu outfit with black tights and a leopard skin robe.

"If you dig deep enough you will probably find some dirt on everyone"

John Noonan, US

More comments...

The reason? The theme of this upper class birthday party was "native and colonial". The English prince was celebrating his country's brutal colonial rule by dressing in the traditional clothes of one of its conquered peoples -the Zulus of South Africa.

Not only did Prince William and the elite with their native-mocking costumes pay homage to the military atrocities of their ancestors, but so few in Europe today question the deaths of millions of Africans, Asians, and American Indians.

The real scandal is that nobody views this celebration of colonial brutality as a scandal.

But if one opposes Prince Harry's Nazi outfit, one should also question Prince William's colonial outfit. Hitler did, after all, have the British colonial empire as a main inspiration for his wars for more Lebensraum - living space.

Norwegians and Irish

The only media pundit I have seen questioning the royal party's events is columnist Simon Woolley. Commenting on the theme Native and Colonial, Woolley wrote:

"A more appalling theme would be difficult to find unless you were ignorant and/or arrogant. For black people around the world there was no frivolity within colonialism, only degradation and dehumanisation."

Exactly. But tell that to any average European, and what you get back is a blank stare. Citizens of former colonial empires are actually taught to be proud of their glorious colonial past.

The present European celebration of the colonising of "the natives" seems to be caused less by pure arrogance than by pure ignorance. Or, as the motto is for the famous Where is Raed blog of the Iraqi Salam Pax, quoting Samuel Huntington:

"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion ... but rather by its superiority in applying organised violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do."

If we don't know about the mistakes of the past, on all sides, we are doomed to repeat them. It's about time that Europeans also accept historic facts about their former occupation
of the world

I have dedicated the latest decade of my life fighting Huntington's false Clash of Civilisations claims, but this one sentence at least has some truth in it.

Huntington only forgets that Europeans were also victims of colonial occupation. Just ask the Irish. Thousands of Catholics from Ireland were sent aboard slave ships to the Caribbean by the invading protestant Englishmen.

Ask Norway's two greatest authors - Henrik Ibsen and Knut Hamsun - who were full of bitterness against the British empire because of its colonial actions in the 19th century.

In order to understand the present conflict in Northern Ireland - as in Iraq, Palestine, Rwanda, and Kashmir - we need to acknowledge the effects of the unjust European occupations.

Actions of the past have influenced our present world situation. Just as our present actions will influence our common future. Thus, in order to create justice in the future, we need to acknowledge the injustice of the past.

Axis of Evil

I am not bringing up this colonial theme to excuse the problems of the present. We should never point to former crimes in order to not improve our own societies.

Rather the opposite: Basic knowledge of the brutalities both of the Nazi regime and of the colonial regimes are necessary in order to prevent similar atrocities again.

If we don't know about the mistakes of the past, on all sides, we are doomed to repeat them. It's about time that Europeans also accept historic facts about their former occupation of the world.

In order to understand the present conflict in Northern Ireland - as in Iraq, Palestine, Rwanda, and Kashmir - we need to acknowledge the effects of the unjust European occupations

The Axis of Evil has become a popular phrase. Well, here is the original Colonial Axis of Evil: The empires of Britain, France, and Belgium.

And here is how these former empires now treat the suppression of their past:

1. Regret in Belgium: In 1885, King Leopold II received Kongo as his private gift. Belgium's king ravaged the country, chopped off Congolese arms and legs, killed millions, and provided inspiration for Joseph Conrad's The Heart of Darkness in 1899.

This year, as the Belgium state celebrates its 175th year, the country is about to confront its brutal past. That's much thanks to the American Adam Hochschild, who recently documented the atrocities. Official exhibits now acknowledge the colonial crimes in Congo.

Soon the Belgians might also admit their responsibility for the tragedy in Rwanda: The racial identity cards of Hutus versus Tutsis which Belgium imposed in the 1930s - and the recent French Hutu support - paved the way for the Rwandan killing fields in 1994.

2. Silence in France: A new film is confronting French brutality during Morocco's fight for independence in the mid-1950s. The magnificent film is called Le Regard (The Return), the first of its kind.

The film is not made in France, but rather supported by Norway and Morocco. The film director's name is Nour-Eddine Lakhmari, a Moroccan Norwegian.

The French still haven't faced their terrible "civilisation project". They are suppressing the memories of their suppression. While the Americans for decades have made films about their wars, and exported Vietnam-critical films like Platoon, France has refused.

The French public still do not realise how gruesomely their soldiers behaved during le sale guerre, the dirty war, in Algeria in the late 1950s. Maybe as much as one million Algerians were killed, not to mention raped and wounded, just because France did not want to leave the illegally occupied country.

3. Pride in England: While France refused to leave their colonies in Vietnam, Algeria, and Morocco, Britain could not have left faster in countries like India and Palestine.

The French public still do not realise how gruesomely their soldiers behaved during "le sale guerre", "the dirty war", in Algeria in late 1950s

After growing rich on India for almost 200 years, the British empire in 1947 left the continent in just 72 days: Britain did not work either for a unified India, or for a non-violent division, or for a peaceful future in Kashmir with its foggy borders.

The same empire was responsible for the hands-off policy towards the guerrilla war during the fatal, last days of the British Palestine Mandate in 1947-1948.

So, what is the British attitude towards its former crimes against Indian, Chinese, African and Arab peoples? They are actually proud of their colonial times, as Prince William's party outfit signals.

Prime Minister Tony Blair boasts that the British empire was "a remarkable achievement". Recently, Gordon Brown, chancellor of the exchequer, said "Britain should stop apologising for colonialism and be proud of its history".

They are backed by Niall Ferguson's Empire. How Britain Made the Modern World (2003). A bestseller which mocks Mahatma Gandhi and the UN declaration against racism.

He hails the former British empire as a necessity, and does not question its legitimacy. The Times declared Ferguson "the most brilliant British historian of his generation".

So what happened when Harvard Professor Caroline Elkins published in March, Britain's Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya? Her work was ridiculed in papers such as The Independent.

Elkins documents how the British imprisoned 1.5 million Kenyans and killed tens of thousands of them during the Mau-Mau uprising in the 1950s. But Britain does not answer Kenya's demands for an apology.

The European empires are still the black man's burden.

Yet, we should forgive, we must move on. Maybe we should even forget about the past, so we can focus more on the future. But we should never let the European colonisers forget, nor let them be proud of their brutal suppression.

This is the main problem: They still don't know what they have done.

Dag Herbjornsrud is a Norwegian author, journalist and historian of ideas.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The conflict over oil will produce future reactions from those who have nothing to lose with no hope for future. If you keep pushing them to a corner and decide for them, create their realities, form their future, and essentially deal with them on your own terms they will fight. They will learn to adapt and find weaknesses to attack. The west is not getting it or has no choice but to continue the colonial practices because of increasing need for scarce resources (oil).

Is it that West's survival depends on the dominating the middle east, far east,....?

I think so, but if this trend does not change and we do not the change direction of this doomed Titanic we are all going down. Every inhabitant of this plant MUST HAVE ONE VOTE....Period. And it can not be based on color, latest weaponry, perceived intelligence, god given right,......Etc.

I hope soon we can witness this paradim shift.

Meanwhile its kill or be killed.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

At least 45 years of producing oil by independent Arab states has not produced a sustainable economy in any of those countries, WHY? Because they have been nothing but oil loading port for west. These puppet counties did not and do not have independence to think about their own people and future. Where did all the BILLIONS of dollars from sale of oil go? Does anyone ask this question, where are the objective, independent, unbiased reporting on this tragedy. There is over a trillion dollars of Saudi money in "royal" accounts in US, WHY??????????

Friday, March 18, 2005

Just another friendly reminder ----- Nothing has changed since the invasion of Iraq, we are not any safer than we were before 9/11. The powerful has not changed the unjust way it imposes itself on the poorer nations. The world bank is making poor nations poorer, the world economic assassins are hard at work, and aid is being used by West to control its far flung empire. So, the war is on...................

The western mercenaries are at work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Israel,.......In the name of assistance and helping these poor countries "develop"!!! Thirty years of sucking the Arab blood has not produced a single sign that they are on the road to development and self sufficiency..........GO FIGURE

Friday, March 11, 2005

Bottom line is that we must get over Zero Sum Gain way of survival. This is an atheistic and ungodly way to win the US vs. Them game.

The end can not justify the means if we are to not just survive in the natural selection way but to flourish beyond our wildest imaginations.

Friday, March 04, 2005

If the market economy is not able to provide the basic needs of the world population in twenty to thirty years it will be buried much like communism, colonialism,.....

The fact is that material based source for human prosperity is transient and the end of its effectiveness will pass. If the few that enjoy the privileges of the unearned wealth continue their manipulations to maintain a superior position, they will be left in the dust bin of the history.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

OH, in case people have forgotten or the smoke and mirror is pulling the wool over their eyes ....We in US are not any safer now than we were right after or before 9-11. Lets not forget that. In fact Bush's shenanigans has increased the likelihood of yet another attack here in our home.

Don't say I didn't tell you so.........

Monday, February 21, 2005

The developed nations "national interests" are in conflict with third world's national interests when the "interests" are based on market forces. The oil producer's national interests are not compatible to West or US's interests. One needs the commodity that other one produces. Fox and chicken will never have the same lot in life.

What we need is a clear set of global rules that protects the powerless's interests. Otherwise the powerful will take and take and take until there is no more. Meanwhile the natural selection forces will deepen the cultural gap to a flash point. When all these interactions will be reset and reworked with roles reversed. So, lets break the cycle and move forward not backward!!!!!OK

Friday, February 18, 2005

Developed world's economy is essentially based on cheap free flowing oil for the past 50 years and that is the only reason they must invade, kill, control, and otherwise disregard oil producer's own national and regional interests. Particularly as the oil supply has tightened in that last twenty years the tolerance for any distributions has diminished. That is why US had to raise an army to secure the oil fields. The West and increasingly China and India can not afford to allow "true market" forces dictate the oil price. The supply and demand factor is being circumvented by force of arms and outright thievery.

As I have said before the oil price based on market conditions should be around $200 to $300 a barrel not 40 to 50.

All the manipulations that are going on in the oil producing countries is to ensure steady and cheap supply of oil. Otherwise they will be treated like the African continent...........Let them fend for themselves.

This whole bullshit smoke and mirror job about FREEDOM and democracy is that!!

American people specially the heartland (red States) need to know that so when their taxes is killing people and those people lashout they should not say "why they hate us".

Saturday, February 12, 2005

The answer to primitive attacks on weaker nations is for those threatened developing countries to find a deterrent and hence the "bomb".. What will defuse this escalating and scary trend is for nations with the bomb to accept developing and poor nations grievances and not just branding them as terrorists. The capital monopoly by these nations must end or else!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Here is another example of what US policy of preemptive, illegal, and selfserving attacks on other nations will do. North Korea has declared that they the nukes and are ready for Bush. Now, see if the Condi can get out of that jail!!!!

Is the cheap oil supply worth all this? Next will be Iran declaring they have the nukes. That goes the peace and prosperity for everyone.

As I said before having the bomb changes the plight of the nation. Just look at what Condi Rice said today, " North Korea will not be attacked or invaded and they should come back to the six way talks....Please".

Bottom line - this faith based president has brought the worst of every so called rouge nation in the world. I wont be surprised if Cuba declares that they have the Nukes as well. Bush just knows how to get that out. I am not saying that all these issues have been created by Bush, but he is able to bring it to surface. Kerry would have tried to decompress the matter and find ways to solve the issues behind the closed doors and not SCAR the BEJUSIS out of the rich American and Europeans.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I have read Aljazira and other major so called anti-American Arab media for over a year now, and I'm convinced that they are nothing but US government created news outlets to diffuse Arab anger and sidestep the real issues they are facing. That is US control of all the governments in the region. These news outlets are designed to give a superficial voice to the disenfranchised Arabs and provide a "pressure release valve" like mechanisms to avoid what the Arab population ought to be demanding. That is for US and EU not to interfere in their internal affairs.

Real independents will come through expulsion of American and European presents in the region in any shape or form while building indigenous civil societies that selects its government to serve Arab cultural and economical interests not US or multinationals. In most cases Arab or Middle East interests are in conflict with EU and US ever increasing need for oil and domination that stems from that need. The west likes to monopolize the oil so the price and supply can be guaranteed at all times. They have created a huge dependent monster of a economy for themselves and can't avoid needing to control the oil supply.

Once Arabs really decide for Arabs then Middle East much like SE Asia or China can begin to deal (do business) with Europe and US on a more equal footing (not the same footing for a while yet!). That means they can sell their oil to build an Arab economy based on her culture and societal needs not stupid highways to nowhere, ports, monuments to kings, and military hardware planned and built by US and EU firms.

At that time Arabs will be able to create the environment to reach economic independence and be a useful global partner as opposed to "rag heads that need to be taken care of". Then no one would have to worry about terrorism or radical Islamists.
I know this is a huge weight to be lifted, but we must "AIM HIGH", or brace ourselves for more attacks, war, killings, invasions, counter attacks,.....!!!!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

As much as US loathes foreigners its economy is 60% dependent on foreign sales, we need to wake up from this nationalistic bipolar dream when our existence so much depends on the world!!! I like to remind the rednecks, heartland reds, gun lovers,....That the era of wild west is over, WAKE UP man!!!! You now are part of the world, start to act like it.
Treatment of Guantanamo and other prisoners will come back to haunt us much like our foreplay with Osama in 80's.

Here is another REMINDER to the heartland that voted for BUSH...Palestinian resistance to occupation is not terrorism, try not to confuse this issue because that will also come back to haunt us as rest of the oppressed people will be convinced that US does not stand for the rights of oppressed and has continually sided with the oppressor and the occupiers. Much like our support for Saudi king, Mobarak, Hussein, unquestioned support for Israel.....Etc.

Ten years from now don't tell me I didn't tell you!!!!?????

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Middle East in general and Arabs in particular must reach an understanding that they have to take control of their destiny and not allow outsiders decide for them by default( their indifference). That means they must clean house first, begin the process of removing rulers, dictators, unpatriotic figure heads. Until that happends they will have to keep going through this cyclical invasion, attacks, and manipulation by powers engaged in geopolitics for their own good and benefits.

No one gives a shit about you!!!!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Rich western powers do not care about the poor and the free press here cares even less. IS anyone reporting on what happened to all the pledges from rich nations to help tsunami, African AIDS, Afghanistan, and other humanitarian needs. I bet not even a fraction of the amounts spinster pledged have ever gone to anyone EVER.

That is how imperial powers operate and that was how colonial powers operated before them.
"FREE ELECTIONS" under occupation doesn't work. What works is occupiers desire to legitimize occupation. You shock and awe then try to win heart and mind, are they stupid????Or we've got the bomb and can do whatever.

Resistance is basic human nature, Bush can not wish it away!!!

Monday, January 31, 2005

I still think the invasion of Iraq was immoral and unnecessary, but to be looking forward and not wasting time here are few items for the next day:

If the following is the case then so what!!!Because the fight will go on....

Top 10 List:

10 - candidates are ex-CIA, Expats, or all the outsiders
9 - Who is directing the TRAFFIC? Is it the White house.
8 - Remember battle of Algiers...Check points and humiliation..
7 - Do they really like imperial troops knocking at their door?
6 - Where did all the Iraqi money go? About $70B
5 - Are foreign workers still pillaging and plundering Iraqi resources with US administration?
4 - Who is going to benefit from Iraq oil????
3 - Are they better off today than they were 22 months ago? Water, power, sewer,...
2 - Is Iraq a US base? Are we there to stay.....(I think so)

Number ONE,

How many dead Iraqis will take to revenge 9/11?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

There must be a better way to confront blind patriotism without looking like a fool!! Let the freedom ring, if they really meant it, they know we don't.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I heard today why our soldiers hands are being tied behind their back fighting this war in Iraq. This came from a Vietnam vet. The old soldier thinks if the enemy has a gun you have all the right to shoot and kill no questions asked, at least that is how he killed back then. If a Cong fired at him he would shoot in his direction no matter who was in his way even women and children.

I can't imagine being in that position and not wanting to shoot everything in sight, that is a basic animal instinct. But last time I checked we the freedom loving people of the this country keep announcing how civilized we are, so that argument will not fly.

I tried, knowing it wouldn't work to say that is true if you are faced with a enemy army but not when you are an occupier with ZERO moral or legal standing to be there.

I guess I was wasting my time with this guy. But the funny thing is that I like him as person. I just think he is not getting it and also since that logic has worked for him all these years then its not his problem. Go figure!!

This is the story of the America, so blinded by pride and blind patriotism that otherwise decent people can say such things and think they are RIGHT>

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Its funny the Republican Party's ideology is more in tune with the Darwinian evolutionary idea than creationism but yet most of the rank and file consider themselves religious and god fearing. The Democrats or liberals (American style) on the other hand believe in social justice, protecting the weak, more laws and order (not the TV show), ...etc. These ideas are more in line with creationism concept of the MAKER wanting everything for his children than ungodly pagans that they known to be.

The republicans believe in deregulated free market without any controls which is more like natural selection ideas of the evolution. The selfish gene if allowed to propagate and provide all that is needed for social safeguards since that is how "self" can survive.

I guess that is why both sides of the American mainstream political "fans" (followers) are so screwed up and unpredictable. They have split personality and can't seem to stay with even the core belief system of their respective politics.

Thanks to mass media we don't have to think much about any of that since experts will explain them to us on a daily bases.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

How can now WEST condemn torture by other governments. Aren't they trying to protect their people from terrorists?????

The Jennie is OUT, they can now kick, punch, ........With impunity.

Thank you uncle Sam.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I wonder where does Grand Old Patriots (GOP) find these HOUSE BOYS in this day and age. The hunger for money and power I guess is the only source of these traitors to their race and the struggle.
Torture American style

The so called WAR on terror has shown the ugly faces of racism, hatred, hegemony, I got mine you go fuck yourself, and bigger SUV for my white friends.

Now with torture being redefined by Bush boys guised and disguised with patriotic love of the county has opened another front in "force" factor:

Today torture is OK to stop suspected terrorists from harming you and me.

Tomorrow - Racial profiling combined with torture at home will make us even safer. There are about 6M of them dirty old Muslims in US.

Next Day - Torturing suspected rapists will result quicker confession

Next next day - What about them gays!

next next next day - Abortion doctors!

next next next next day - non Christians!


Looks like a slippery slope to me.......

I wonder how the HEARTLAND is thinking of all that??????????? Or do they give a shit until its too late. Just remember you guys few shotguns and pistols aint gona protect you from tyranny!!!!!

Monday, January 03, 2005

To protect faith based freedom you can kill, maim, or otherwise do anything to non-believers. In fact the faith instructs to do that and that is how you gain acceptance.

Until more of the other 99.9999% people of the world gain a better understanding of what it means to live within your means the WEST will continue to subjugate the rest of the world with majority of westerners unwittingly supporting that endeavor. In most cases they even do not see what is being done in their name.