Monday, December 21, 2009

Public Funerals

One way to assess a society's stand on individual freedom and cultural disposition is to examine how they conduct their public funerals and mornings. Watching the pictures from Iran's dissident Ayatollah Montazari funeral in Qom makes me wonder how even the so called "green" party and reformers view individual freedom. The pushing and shoving to either view the dead body or get close to it is symbolic of rank and file not really experiencing or ready to fully engage the hard work of freedom and democracy. The purely emotional showing indicates to me the lack of understanding what it takes to become an Islamic civil society in Iran.

The free Muslim citizenry will morn loss of the religion or national hero with come and reflection as opposed to pushing others to get to the body. The free individual will not violate the person next to them to express their sorrow or feelings. They will care more for the person next to them than Ayatollah or president so and so. They will file gently and pay their respect with dignity that the dead citizen deserves.

I do however noticed signs of that sort of approach to public morning also which makes me more hopeful for blossoming of an organic and native democratic principles based on Islam and cultures in Iran.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Killings at Fort Hood

This sort of craziness is not good for rest of middle easterners in US. I expect if few more of these incidents occur we are up for some sort of general reaction (aka encampment) or mass exodus forced by the government on folks in lieu of indefinite imprisonment. Gitmo could be expanded to house more of the homegrown suspects or likely to act violently.

This guy being apparently second generation middle eastern makes this whole situation more complicated. The no fly list and watch list right now is mainly made up of green card and first generation immigrants. Now we can expect that the list will grow with US born suspects.

We the middle easterners may even find out how Japanese felt back in 40's. The problem is the more government stereotypes the lot the more these alienated bunch will act up their stupid and ill mined crazy actions. In another words the longer the no fly list and watch list gets the more shit will happen here.

Isn't that just dandi!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oh dear Me -- Here is the head news, how stupid they must think the average American person is?

New York Times - Karzai's brother is on CIA payroll and suspected to be involved with the opium trade.

Its amazing that same ways of so called wining a war like the Vietnam era are being followed to the tee. Is this all the smart Pentagon and West Point guys can come up with. Saddam did that all the time and other desperate regimes are doing that every day. They kill the ones they are afraid of and are not willing to sell themselves! Do they really think if someone forsakes his native land and sells his services to a foreign agent can be trusted?

I wonder if CIA is still paying Hamid Karzai, the president?

With this approach we are doomed and will have to in a short time pluck the last American from the US embassy in Kabul, does that look familiar?

What a waste of life and limited resources we have in this planet. Isn't there a UN law against recklessness and disregard to human spirit because you have the largest Army and bank account in the world?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Afghan Election

This whole so called democracy in Afghanistan seems fishy to me. The vote count and recount seem to go on forever. In some ways its reminiscent of the Iran election except the Supreme Leader in Afghanistan is not one person but the US government. I think after the election US perhaps decided that Krazai needs to go and they need new faces for US consumption. After all they are free!! The Abdolah Abdolah is by the way from the same team that came ( I bet he was even in the same US C30 plane) from US after American soldiers cleared Bagram.

I find this whole Iraq and Afghanistan democracy thing repulsive and sad. They are not free and everyone knows it, because if they were you would not see Karzai, Abdolad, Maleki,.... gang calling themselves "the elected". They very much remind me of early days of Ghazafi.

Supreme Ayatollah USA will have to keep installing leaders to secure the regime. We need regime change by the people of the area and for the people of the area. Obama is and will play the game since the "world control" board game was handed to him.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Moon Bombing

I bet Pentagon and military generals are salivating over the bombing run on moon. These boys are thinking of star wars and fatter military budgets to keep enemies at bay!!!! The lame ass mainstream media of course plays it along pumping the event as scientific achievement.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Let not forget the forgotten. The west with their violence are encouraging PATRIOTIC reaction. Vietcong were created by the actions of the west they did not exist before US took over the imperial presents from French. The more we the west deploy forces in the region the more profound resistance we will face, its natural and basic human response.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/11 Again!

Pre 9/11 conditions related to Middle East have not changed a bit. The events that lead to that vicious attack are still being played out. Israel still occupies Palestine with tacit or direct support from US and West. Saudi, Egyptian, Jordanian, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait kings and unelected DICTATORS get red carpet treatment in US. We seem to have either intentionally or unavoidably have ignored all the indicators that 800 million people in Middle east are not getting voices heard.

Iraq is still and will continue to be a mess, don't fool yourselves in believing that Jeffersonian democracy and freedom has arrived in Baghdad on board Humvee. And about Afghanistan the guerrilla war will go on indefinitely or until like Vietnam US loses appetite and/or decides that pulling out will be better than staying in another words body counts out number number of so called "elections". The covert operations, unmanned drones, and psych ops will not do a thing they just make good news bites and articles for folks back home, nothing more.

Pakistan will also be yet another source of continued pain and suffering for all the players.

Solution - As said before NEED A VIABLE PALESTINIAN STATE and the rest will be done organically without West having to do anything other than cultivating the process.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Harsh Interrogation - well well well

I think its time for CIA interrogators to fly to Iran and attend the harsh interrogations at EVIN prison and be a mentor to those that are trying to keep Iranians safe. I am certain they could use some on the job training. FreeDUM and homeland security is protected through HARSH interrogations and sexually assaulting enemy mothers. Great new language is being developed, it makes George Orville smile!!

I am thinking weather the Americans that were picked up at the Iraqi border are being harshly interrogated, with Republican argument that it must be done this way, Iranians are entitled to harsh interrogation of these hikers. Is that a cover for some Seal or Ranger operation to locate targets in Iran???? Oh no we never do that, its just those crazy wingnutts that invade, occupy, carpet bomb, shock and awe the hated enemy.

I guess we will have to pay for electing bunch of wingnutts twice mind you for decades to come.

OH WELL .........

Friday, July 24, 2009

West Moral Compass

West lead by US during the BUSH era lost the little post colonial moral capital they had by doing exactly what Chines, Algerians, Egyptians, Saudis,... others do to their opponent. Primitively with missiles killing 'suspects', detaining without charge 'profiled suspects' without any evidence, and supporting Israel when they bomb the hell of Lebanon and kill at will in occupied land.

Iran and other dictatorial countries then tell themselves what the fuck US and EU does it so let the basijis kick some local ass and kill them suckers before they kill us. Imprison anyone we think might want to harm us, does that sound familiar!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bubble Economies

We in US had Internet bubble in 90's, then Housing bubble 00's and are setting things up for Green bubble followed by Health care bubble..... as so on. The market economy that is not really free and at the same time not really supervised or allowed to have SMART REGULATION will have to survive with BUBBLES. The political economy that will continue to be messed with by the political party in power will waste resources, kill animals, start wars with WMD lies, and occasionally use patriotism to rally the troops. The system then is able to pacify "we the people" and fizzle any real grass root attempt the create sustainable and just social/economical framework.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Iran Election (aka Selection)

Regardless of how the election results works its self out in the near and long term one fact remains solid that event in Iran will for GOOD change how Middle East is run. The dictators both US allies or otherwise will now have to content with new set of standards on accountability and responsiveness to PEOPLE. The unelected leaders in Egypt, Israel (until Palestinians get to vote), Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Sudan, Algeria, yes even Turkey are on notice that people are not going to just lay down and let the dictators ram it to them. The civil society standards are now being outlined in streets of Tehran and other cites in the middle east. These rules are not based on Judi-Christian values of some distant land but more real and close and based on Islam and indigenous cultural and heritage of the people of middle east.

Once they arrive at the Mecca of their civil society they may still have issues with west and their designs on resources and virgin markets, so don't count on happy ever after when they get their house in order.

The two countries that are off the list namely Iraq and Afghanistan can not begin this journey of people power until their nation is free of foreign occupation forces.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Remember Old Conservatives?

Here is what they had in mind and partly acted on after 9/11 with Bush in and others in power:

American leadership is GOOD and to bring that good to everyone military, diplomatic energy, and moral principles to be used.

I am sure Iraqi's think they are being killed morally and with political energy, so as detainees in Guantanamo, Afghanistan, and Iraq that have not been charged and picked up for resisting military action for many years now.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Iran election and US invasion

I find it intriguing that US and western media now complain about free flow of information about the Iran election protests and the deplorable way Iran regime is blocking reporters and other news outlets from free access to what is going on there. On the flip side here we are 6 years after illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq US military still manges how news, pictures, and videos are reported. They embed reporters with US military along with so called "minders". We to this day do not have a clear picture of what Iraqi's resistance made up of, are they just some nutty Isalmofacists or people fighting to get rid of their country of foreign invaders. Are they freedom fighters or just few (couple) of crazy dudes envious of our freedom.

We in the west including those little mouses on the other side of the pond have ZERO moral or ethical base to question what Iranian government is doing to keep it together. We did the same thing after 9/11. We summarily arrested anyone with as much as looking dark to rendering them to other surrogate killers and torcherers. The funny thing is that in comparison 9/11 attack was nothing for the US system and government compared to what is going on in Iran.

There you are WEST has totally lost whatever MORAL capital that it may have had before 9/11. Having said that I find events in Iran lot more promising that if Bush type had been reelected in US. At least for the time being US is not drowning with FEAR and LOATHING.

In some ways perhaps criminal activities of US in the last 6 years could have a silver lining in how rest of the world will evolve into a more civil societies. Now that old "I am GOD's gift to you fuckheads" way of dealing with developing and even Europe is gone perhaps other nations can grow more Organically.

You see BUSH was not so bad after all. He proved that we are just as crazy as rest of the world, that we have the potential to display Hitler like behavior. We could cluster bomb and summarily execute people to prove our point that they had WMD!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Health Care in US

Progressives can be so compassionate when it comes to domestic issues but don't mistake them for pussys. They will conduct foreign affairs with same intensity as the conservatives with even more gusto. The only difference is the way they go about it, much like old Bill Clinton they wine and dine them and then stick it to them. The one example that shows that both are after the same thing is how they great and hug king Saudi Arabia, be header, women suck my turban, money launderer, anti-democrat, fuck free press dictator that has kept the oil coming.

The US moral high ground of human rights and freedom is now flooded. I think with "war on terror" and Bush concentration camps and turchers the "Beacon of Hope" wiring is shorting and lights are going out! Perhaps its time for another way of saving this planet, this time though keep the oil and "my back yard" philosophy out of the equation.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Preemptive Imprisonment - Torture

Not much has changes since Necons glory days of post 9/11. Mr. Obama is pretty much on board with basic principles of preemptive attach from all fronts established as foundation of the "war on terror". The progressives are even coming up with more hawkish approach now while making it look like "its good for you" and compassionate. They are saying we will detain you and torture you and its good for you because we know whats best for you and love you too.

They are searching for Legal Opinions to detain and torture "terror suspects" before they become terror suspects. The idea is that there are some people that could someday in the future decide to take up arms against US so we must get them first. It is an Orvilian act with no end in sight, I wonder if Nazi Germany back in 1920's started with the same line of thinking about Jews, Gypsies, and Gays!! Its remarkable that people with progressive social and human agenda can fall this far off the cliff.

The so called suspect could be an Arab or Somalian that perhaps a computer model based on some top secret indicators has determined say, Mr. Abdulah has to be detained before he gets to the point of thinking about planning an attack on US. Oh, by the way top secret panel will decide what constitutes which indicators will require action by our patriots. Of course they can't and will not tell us what those top secret indicators are because the enemy will know and change their tactics!!!

Alright they will pick some key elected officials to let them know some of the top secret indicators. Someone like Pelosi, but shocks she can't be trusted to keep her mouth shot or play with the top secret rules that is subject to change because of our enemies change in methods to inflict harm on us. After all they just simply hate us because of all the freedoms we have!!

I think this needs to become a movie ------ Forget Japanese internment we are taking that same fear-hate-revenge scene to a much higher level with Mr. Obama presiding at the wheel.

Isn't great to be in the land of free ---

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama and CIA

The signs are on the wall that this progressive president is not much different in content with his predecessor. He walks up to CIA HQ and tells the folks its ok to torture our enemies and you will not be messed with. While with other side of his multi-sided character promises to expose the old administration's misconduct on terror war.

Here is my prediction that this issue will be in the media for another few months and then gets forgotten like rest of the "irregularities" of our past such as Gulf of Tunks, Iran-contra arm deals, contra killings, Elsalvador right wing assassinations, Panama, Chile killings (Pinochet), Argentina assassinations, South Africa Apartheid military support ......

Well -- since we never seem to resolve the these undemocratic behaviors so guess what, it will be repeated again next time there is sensitive national interest situation.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Obama's Global Game

We see him kissing royal dictators, smiling and shaking hands with leaders of Bush era rouge nations. The photo ops are nothing but window dressing because Bush way of kicking ass was getting out of hand. With 1.3 billion Muslims and another 3 billion or so die hard US haters things could have gotten ugly if neo-cons way had continued. Now comes Mr. Obama one of them at least looking like one of them. He will change tactics by charming axes of evil and terrorist supports.

In reality nothing has changed when it comes to US policy towards the world and its "national interest" far reaching need to facilitate its thirst for raw material and ever increasing need for larger markets. The changes in policy have to do with survival than real desire to make profound difference. Obama is after all a successful politician raised within the American system that is based on domination for its survival.

The market economy that is based on has to keep growing or otherwise will die. Growth at any cost is the foundation of the US social and economical framework. Smith-ian system can not survive on sustainability, if it stops growing it will collapse. The growth is not based on human values but mainly on economical accumulation which meas the only measure of success is when GDP percentage goes up. Capital has become the prime mover with the original purpose of human growth taking a back seat.

That is why leader of the so called free world Bush came out last year and asked "Fellow Americans" to not stop shopping!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

US Gun Laws - World Nuclear Equation

What if Nuclear proliferation laws were based on US 2nd amendment and related gun laws. What if the world nuclear control organization had to deal with a strong NRA type lobby to keep Nukes out of the hands of few. At the end of the day if access to nukes are limited to few then how "The World People" can defend themselves from tyranny. If everyone had nukes then prehaps we all would think again when given a choice between resolving differences or resorting to war either preemptive or otherwise.

Just an idea worth exploring perhaps ----

Monday, March 23, 2009

Carrot and Stick

I suspect if US economy improves when say DOW gets to 15000 Obama will change his tune on "engagement" with our adversaries. We have in the past 60 years only "so called" engaged our enemies when we had a short stick. When due to economical and geopolitical circumstances our STICK gets longer then forget the carrot and engagement.

This is how powerful pushes their extra territorial agenda to secure "national interest" which really in short means leveraging fire power to maintain tactical and strategic advantage. War and conflict are often only tools to short cut what otherwise would take a long time to achieve with even playing field.

Unfortunately now a days almost any relevant nation in the planet uses this approach so future conflicts with nastier results are inevitable until the power balance reaches an equilibrium. That is relatively when large number of nations stockpile nuclear weapons and other means to deter preemptive "war" by powerful factor. In that case I am sure Bush types or Obama would opt for "ENGAGEMENT" more often.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Just another reminder Israel conflict will only be resolved in a sustainable way with one single nation made up of all the residents of that postage stamp land. No SWISS CHEESE please.

The nation could be then called ISRASTINE ----

Lets get going and quite dinking around until another 9/11 like attack.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Patriotism, Profits, PONZI

The three P's of modern American experience are coming home to roost. Today Madoff goes to prison described as the size of a "walking Closet", I wonder what dimensions the writer was thinking about. I bet Madoff's walking closet in his New York apartment is not what most common folks think about when they hear walking closet. Sorry, I wonder what percent of American homes have @#$% walking closets anyway.

You see this why I think we have not come to terms with what is really happening with the American dream. The financial criminals much like the energy and Internet criminals before them are being rewarded for trashing "Good Will" and open and honest business practices. For over 30 years we are told that small government is what we need and getting government out of the pockets of business will produce results for all Americans. Well, you neocons and oldcons have a ball now, the trickle down economy and lase affair capitalism that you preached with Patriotism have gotten us to this place. The same criminals that profited from the unmitigated deregulation are in the White House making policy decisions to boot.

They will not change the course because they are the product of the misguided notion that the system as we know it can be fixed without changing the fundamentals. The same dude that made $17M in two years making investment deals few years ago now oversees the government agency that supposed to get us out of this mess. They will put TARP over our eyes and Stimulate us much like when Bush send $600 to everyone and then asked we buy stuff to help the economy get gong again, by the way that didn't work if anyone cares to remember.

The PONZI misters of the American dream are still hard at work with our social security and healthcare security on verge of disappearance ----- God Bless US all ---

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Does anyone here in North America wonder why Mexico being next to greatest power in the world with democratic ideals second to none is still a backward third world country? I wonder why after so many years of looking at their neighbors up north they are unable to break from the cycle of corruption and dicatorialism.

Someone needs to look at this since we seem to just have accepted that they will keep coming across the border pick our produce/fruits, clean dishes, do yard work, and clean our houses.

OH, got it maybe those are the reasons why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fear Based Initiative - Post 9/11/2001 War of Terror

For about 7 years US was governed not based on superiority of our ideals or strength of our democracy but mainly based on FEAR of that sad day. The Bush administration set the course towards first by reacting to that horrible attack in such a way to elicit the most violent response that pursued. The us and them, seek and destroy, crusade, Islamic Fascist, and Islamic Terrorists terms were used to accentuate the WAR on Terror and bring all American including Obama and Clinton on board.

We were told this is do or die, terrorists are ready and willing to attack again and kill more of us. So we the people based on fear gave Bush administration a blank check to go do whatever it takes to make us safe. So they did by torchering, rendering, profiling, waging wars (not just in Afghanistan), detaining people without charge, and ferrying 'suspects" from one place to another for "out sourced" torchering. I suspect lot more things were done that will not come out until later when a brave young journalist or ex-CIA guy comes out with revelations. Those reports will trickle in little by little as time goes on.

What we were NOT told was that 9/11 attacks was a criminal act even though its ompact was spectacular. It essentially involved one mode of attack with multiple targets. It only meant that we had several hundred hard criminals with twisted sense of ideals and justice that were willing to kill Innocent people to take revenge or spread fear.

Bush by uttering the term "Islamic" terrorists basically lumped 1.2 Billion people in that camp with those few hundred criminals. Well, good, Bush succeeded and now we have lot more than few hundred criminals to point our M16s towards. If we continue the horse trading with Pakistan and other nations and keep the covert operations going the situation will get even worse later. Bombing the so called targets in Swat or other areas by drones or missiles will only feed the resistance.

The Islamic world will take no less than perhaps one generation to forget dehumanizing effects of Bush's war on Islamic terror. Obama with all his charm will not pull the wool over their eyes. US will not be trusted as a balanced superpower in that region for another 20 years or more. Israel will also suffer from these actions with perhaps its physical state changing to something else, similar to what happend to South Africa.

We will see Russians cozying up to middle east countries to fill the US void and that can not be good for our long term objectives in that region. We need to engage the nations in the region with one simple and profound position that says we are unbiased and will adhere to the same basic human rights and democratic principles that we hold dear for our citizens.


Monday, February 16, 2009


The old tired whites will view him as beginning of an end to the American Experience, the blacks see him as the house boy, but he is the future look of our planet.

The Obama factor regardless of the man that now resides in the white house will shape the future. The future of our planet is far more interesting than the man with opinons formed by his black and white surroundings. He is/will govern in a conglomeration of Regan, Clinton, and Bushe ways but his face will (and it already has) change all of us for the better.

Better times ahead, I say ---

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Victory Pictures

I was just reviewing the list of Obama cabinet and white house staff and noticed sprinkled with other pictures were good amount of "Iraq" ones. It made me think of the victory pictures of triumphant army posing with the dead bodies of the enemy. I wondered how Iraqi children will feel about these pictures once they realize their parents and family members were killed for no reason and too salt the wound the victorious army brought technocrats and politicians to the occupied land so they could see the prize and take pictures for the folks back home.

The most grotesque picture that I remember was of Robert Gates standing with soldiers holding "Texas A&M AGGIES" banner, his old stumping ground. It made me sad and more pessimistic about state of our UNION. The picture yet again reminded me of the Abu Gharib scenes of solders taking pictures with dead and alive prisoners.

I hope I'm not the only one that is disgusted here ---

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here is yet another headline from the main (mesmerizing) media: Blackwater: We will leave Iraq if US orders it, someone is forgetting Iraq's sovereignty or we are just joking about that!!!!

You see, with or whiteout Obama the empire's machine will continue its course. We may change the conductor but the train will continue its path laid out by the market economy forces. The move will be towards gathering more capital and enrichment both materially and emotionally.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pay As You Go war

Here is the headline today from Afghanistan -- U.S. pays $40,000 after 15 Afghans die in raid --A this rate we can kill all the 24 or so million Afghans for mere 34 Billion dollars.

Again don't say later when they come back with vengeance why they hate us!!!! OK

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Regardless of the situation with the oppressed Palestinians today one thing should never be forgotten and that is the atrocities committed against the Jews by Germans during WWII. I have read about and watched many footage of the concentration camps and its absolutely unacceptable and immoral to deny or other wise question what happened in 1940's. There were of course others who suffered the most inhuman savageri of our time by the Germans, noteably Gypcies, Gays, and Disabled people.

Having said that we should also never forget how Palestinians have been subjected to apartheid and oppression as long as they have been under Israeli occupation.
Middle East stays front and center

Few days has passed since Obama took over the rains but Middle East mess seem as messy as it was during Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Kennedy... It appears that strong Israel voice still remains in the White House led by No. 2 man Rahm Emanuel. The Jewish presents not as a conspiracy force but because an ethnic group that has perfected the art of being at the right place will stay in the "peoples" house. These American Jews will invariably make their mark on forming Borak's foreign policy that will continue the same one step forward and two step back. (Don't see real CHANGE in this conflict materializing)

I am not bitching about the American Jews outstanding organization and personal dedication, in fact I am mentioning this so our Arab, Indian, and Iranian Americans would take a lesson from Jewish way of active and focused political participation.

As you may know Mr. Emanuel has spent many summers in Israel working, helping, and being indoctrinated on how abused Jews are and why west should unconditionally support them. All I ask is that our American Arabs, Indians and Iranians also send their young ones to home countries for little home country bonding sessions like Jews.

FYI - Funny thing is that if Irish, Germans, Mexican, or Japanese American politicians would send their kids for summer kabus like visits to their respective countries good old Americans (third and earlier generations) would perhaps question their patriotism, but not for Jews, in fact it has become a source of American patriotism to spend time in Israel.

Again as I have written before many times no one is going to bring security, homeland, and prosperity to you, you have to earn it so Palestinians will have to get back on the saddle. No one will going to hand them a homeland, so they should fight on the ground and fight intellectually to wine harts and mind of those that can help.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Existing ISRAEL

If the essence of the occupation of Palestine is not resolved only more painful suffering is in the store for both Israel and Palestinians. Since without West's moral and financial support Israel would not exist then the fault of not resolving this conflict is squarely on western powers. Israel and Palestinians can not and will not be able to resolve the conflict.

If West does not take charge and in say 10 0r 20 years (if the occupation continues) a nuclear device gets detonated in Journalism then no one is to blame but American and Europeans. Palestinians as they have for over 40 year will continue to fight the occupation with more sophistication and resilience.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Iraq - anybody remembers anymore!

Didn't I tell you that we will all forget soon. Who gives a rats eyebrow that 100,000 heck 600,000 have been killed because of Emperor Bush and his anger for 9/11 attacks and Saddam the man. Does anybody even remember Neo-cons, or Machiavellian principles that rules Florence then and White House now.

I sure don't

Monday, January 05, 2009

Gaza Invasion

Couple of things about the Israel's invasion of Gaza.

1) Invasion and occupation apparently is the operative word these days, thanks to USA. Russia follow suite and I expect China, India, and Venezuela could follow suite.

2) As US weaponry pounds Gazans we are now setting the clock again for the next time when average US citizens will invariably ask "why they hate" us.

OBTW - Where is the messenger of Change Sir. Obama on all this. I guess we can't have two president and a visionary LEADER. Promises Promises.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Land of Ibrahim

I have written about this in the past but think it needs to be mentioned again. The ultimate Arab-Israel solution is to create a global nation with Jerusalem being its capital were all Ibrahim religions will be respected and allowed to freely be practiced. That is the "one" state solution that will work in the long run. UN will be moved from New York center of commercial shenanigans there and the city will become the center of the global organization. Jews, Muslims, Christians will administer the day to day operation of the "Global Nation".

I truly believe that is how future of Israel, West Banks and Gaza will be shaped. The only question is how long and how many dead bodies it will take for us to get there!!

Oh by the way Happy New year to sons of Ibrahim.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Judaism VS. Christianity

I wonder why Jewish religion needs to be relevant in the 21st century when its son, Christianity has matured and able to provide for the same set of faith based values. I fine Jewish religion to be like Windows operating system while Vista is running all the major computers. With say no more that 20M people still clinging to that way of worship while over 2 Billion follow the newer version is it realistic to hedge world security on it? I know some say its the principle of the matter that we must fight for and not let rights of people be trampled.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Gaza and Missile Diplomacy

Arab -Israel conflict has like any other conflict evolved from a totally unbalanced forces of a well supplied (recognizing Israel will not have survived without military supplies from WEST) army against a rag tag group of displaced tribal people with small arms and not much organization. The 1970's with so called PLO terrorist activities in retro respect was nothing but bunch of guys in prison yards shooting at the guards and walls.

Now however this conflict is reaching a more equal balance even though Israel still enjoys F16s, guided missiles, Apache helicopters, A1 tanks, 2 Ton bombs from good old US of A. The Palestinians have finally arrived at contemplating how to fight the occupation. The Missiles are the sign of that profound shift. It began with Intifada and suicide missions and now has matured with industrial strength resistance against occupation. I foresee further development of Palestinian fire power and creative methods in the near future.

This profound shift is the only way for this conflict to reach the ultimate end. The Israelis have demonstrated for over 40 years that they will only respond when threatened with fire power. Now perhaps they will begin to see "real" negotiation is the only way they can survive. Not with F16s like they have been since 1967!!