Friday, December 31, 2004

The Israel's wall is another symbol of illegal and immoral occupation with US's tacit approval. Please don't whine when they hate you!!! Israel would not exist without the US support, period. Thus, Palestinians should only negotiate with the "Master" not the "Blaster".

Anyone knows that excpet thoes in the RED state of mind.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Thanks to the Tsunami in Asia, US missadventure in Iraq is getting a breather!!!! Now since the Bush clan believes in divine then I guess God is with him and here is the sign by Lord punishing the non-Christian and also indirectly helping his "boy" Bush. The red people in all the states of America must be very pleased with the LORD.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Here is a good observation about US politics at its highest level:

Parasites eventually kill their host. The neoconservatives won't be happy until Rummy's dried-up husk is left by the roadside, and their chosen replacement ? Wolfowitz? Woolsey? neocon tool "Stormin' Norman" Schwarzkopf?

US politics at local levels behave much civilly, but the political system has been refined so that at its highest level the brutality can be honorable and at times patriotic.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

About the US social security mess:

I generally agree with giving people choice and freedom to be in charge of their own destiny. But to give hard working American's money to those thieves at wall street, Bush boys must be smoking something again.

You mean to have our social security managed by all those corrupt equity institutions with RNC's version of oversight.....Over my dead body.......

First I think these shiseters ought to do is arrest the crook executives that are running most of those companies. Then establish a Equity Market commandments that would clear the fog of investing. I read these annual reports and I tell you the whole establishment is fishy. Have you tried to read and make sense of cooperate reports, perspectives, mutual fund reports,.............

We've got a long way to go before any sane man or women can talk about privatizing the Social Security. When even company pension funds are disappearing how can anyone would entrust this corrupt market with our social security funds.

Lets just wait and see how our 401K's are going to do....They have been promising 8-10% return for over 20 years now, where is that return?????

Friday, December 17, 2004

Here is a clarification to those imperial its all mine bullies in Iraq:

The Iranian connection to Iraq goes back to at least 1400 years. The southern Iraq has been a mix of Persians and Arabs with a common history and destiny much more than spin masters want to admit. In reality Iran and southern Iraq are much like Texas and Oklahoma.

To the bullies and spin masters, the Iranian influence (connection) in Iraq is "natural" and has nothing to do with the occupation of that country.

Now if Bush wants to use this natural and common cultural ties to his benefit and find a scapegoat in case this whole aggression thing back fires, that is what powerful forces have done through out the history and US is no different.

The fact will not change Iranian connection to Iraq will not disappear with threat or force because its natural.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Is it me OR what:

Bush War,

Who is trying Saddam? Under whose rules and law? Is Bush smoking crack again? For everyone's information might I repeat there is no government in Iraq, what we have is an occupied nation. Unless under UN charter a government elected by the people for the people of Iraq not US any action is illegal, Immoral, and will fail as usual.


They created internet and monopolized the software and hold hostage the hardware and now wants to pay for spyware removal software. Its much like gas companies sell you tainted gas and charge you to repair your car. THIS MONOLPOLY much like what lead to Bush war. Imperial market economy has no other way to go but where is headed right now until it changes.

Homeland Security,

Events in Iraq and other places in the world are much like what US did to dislodge Russia from Afghanistan. All we are doing is nurturing the next wave of Ben Ladens with much more hate and resentment. No missile defense will prevent "people war" either................

Monday, December 13, 2004

Does anybody care about what is happening to 24M Iraqis anymore. What has almost two years of occupation done to these oppressed people.

How are their:

Water Supply
Electricity Supply
Food Supply
Standard of Livings they enjoyed with that despicable dictator Saddam
Iraqi Pride
Hope Index

If we accept this injustice then we would only delay the inevitable....

This Occupation will never work to even restore what was there before the invasion...

We in US have become complacent and we all saw what happened when we were complacent during Vietnam war........Army brass escalated the adventure because that is what they are trained to do..........Make WAR

Its our job to stop these necessary mad man we've put in charge of the military.

Otherwise all we are doing is in effect waiting for the next terrorist attack.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The beauty of faith based government that has supernatural powers behind it is:

Don't have to worry about environment
Don't have to worry about war
Don't have to worry about social security
Don't have to worry about civil rights
Don't have to worry about non-Christians
Don't have to worry about economy
Don't have to worry about life

Actually if more of these earthly (little) stuff falls apart the closer the rapture. It is even the believers responsibility to cause them to occur more quickly. Oh the other thing, 25% of US population believes in this stuff, go figure.

In fact Iraq war and take over of Palestine by Israel, which by the way it supposed to lead to destruction of Israel is called for in the book of revelation. Its funny the Jews are helping their own ultimate destruction, or they know something the freaky fanatic Christians don't know!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE ARE BUNCH OF THESE GOOFS IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND CONGRESS by the way.

Having said that Bush's global war can be better understood. He don't care because all will be good no matter what. They are the righteous ones.

When you are faced with faith, it will take a long time to

Sunday, December 05, 2004

To get the facts from the American mainstream media reports on foreign events you almost have to be a forensic scientist. They have no credibility except for those they have brainwashed.

Today I read a report about a 7 mile highway in Baghdad that is called "Hell Highway" by US soldiers. Here is 135,000 liberators that can't even drive from the capital city to the airport without being shot at, bombed, or attacked in anyway possible.

It's funny that US propaganda machine has stopped blaming all the attacks on US forces on "foreign fighters". What happened in about four weeks that changed everything???

Is it safe to assume people in Kuwaiti, Bahrain, Egypt,.... are free NOW!!!!

I also liked the El Presindent Musharaf's visit to DC this weekend. Here is another great DEMOCRAT fighting alongside US and European forces to free the Muslims from despicable dictators.........................I am besides myself.

The Neocons I guess still believe the end can and will justify the means by which we sleep with scums of the earth to secure our national interests. Who cares about rest of savages in this world.

Friday, December 03, 2004

For those who may think we (in US) are safer now after invading Iraq:

A) Every day that you read 10, 20 or 100 Iraqis are dead by insurgents remember they are dead because of an unnecessary, illegal, immoral invasion of country with a dictator much like the ones BUSH administration loves to have around in the region. They are not dead because of some violance that occurred in vacuum....KEEP THAT IN YOUR RIGHTEOUS MIND.

B) Bush lies to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis with cluster bombs, depleted uranium shells, shock and awe,.....Has forced other countries with legitimate fear of US to work hard in producing the only deterrent ---- the BOMB.

C) With reelection of Bush the world is confronted with an understanding that at least 59 Million Americans don't care about anyone else but themselves.

Now, if that makes for a safer world then I guess my world is diffrent.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Funny - Bush said today that national elections should be free of foreign intervention!! Except of course if you own that nation, such as Iraq.

Funny 2 - If only Iraqis come to realization that there are only 150,000 foreign troops occupying their land they might band together to out number them something like 35 to 1 assuming only 5 million young able bodied join the effort.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Clinton vs Bush
They are both liars that would tell you anything to get what they think you need. I trust both of these corrupt folks as far as I can through them.

Billy home boy lied to Palestinians about their future knowing full well that Israel will not give an inch. He lied about his great domestic plan and only window dressed sound bites.

Bushy born again church boy has lied about almost everything and has justified that because he is war president. You know, just get out of his way. Besides people reelected him so watch out next four will be memorable.

Has anyone noticed how he holds on to that codependant wife of his!!!This man owns her, much like the mullahs owning wives.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Thanks to Bush and the powerhouse, American kids can may be buy cheaper drugs since Afghanistan has been able to increase opium production to record levels. I wonder how high are our soldiers right now over there? I can't Waite to watch CBS, ABC, Oprah,... Specials few years from now on how Afghan Hash has ruined the GIs and crimes they will commit. Knowing the corporate media they will make the show into a human story and shy away from who were the bastards that send them there in the first place and why.

As I recall just a while ago the bible thumping bleeding heart Bushies weren't damming Taliban for allowing opium to be cultivated and prospering from its sale???

How come the corporate media is keeping silence on this issue....What is going on?

We currently have the most deceitful bunch of people in DC that I don't know how to even begin to talk about all that is happening.

Can we collect some money and try to pay them for the fortune that they are trying amass and ask them to leave, hopefully save this nation.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Would end justify the means? Even if we assume removing Saddam would improve the bottom line. Frankly this Macavelian idea, the neo-cons ideological base, would at the end produce nothing but unending war and distraction. Except this sort of conflicts have always been good for US economy.

Monday, November 15, 2004

This illegal and immoral attack on Iraq is showing its maturity. The daily reports of killings are so common that even the anti-war folks aren't saying anything anymore. We the Americans are getting used to killings on both side.

Mind you there are no high ground for anyone to stand when you invade to dominate.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

I just read in the mainstream media that Tony Blair wants to patch the Atlantic rift about Iraq. He wants Europe to look past Iraq and join the team. "There is enough oil for everyone"

Its absolutely mind boggling that these friging leaders can even make such statements in public and more so when the mass (so called independent) media treats it like is business as usual. They have murdered thousands of innocent people in Iraq and now it was just a misunderstanding and they should "look past Iraq".

I don't know if its just me but is sickening.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

If resistance to immoral and illegal occupation only resides in few locations like Falluja, Mosul, or Najaf, then elephants can fly!!!

The resistance is ever being googlized by sheer hatred for the occupier and their superior fire power is transformed into weblog like of daily attacks. They have no choice and are not bound by time lines to end anything other than occupation. They did not invite the occupiers and will transform to fight their enemy in many forms.

They will smile by day and fire by night.
They will bow like good obedient salves and plot to kill.
They will look down in shame and think of revenge.
I would do the same.

But for Americans they have no excuse now when 70% (as of today) of them have approved the so called WAR in Iraq.

Over 100 major newspapers in US showed a big full page picture of the Marlborough man fighting in Fallujah, killing the enemies!!! This is a 20 year old innocent boy from a farm in the red state who was sent to Iraq to fight for Israel and continued cheap supply of oil for our SUV's.

We will prosper by FORCE because our values and morals have NO staying power. This is the biggest pile of horse manure, if we are moral, honest, fair, and respectful of others then why invade Iraq???

Monday, November 08, 2004

My Fellow Americans you are witnessing HALO 2 release commingled with battle to re-take FALLUJAH. Thanks to Microsoft your children can continue practicing for future operations. This is what I call "embedded cycle" where the need for future release of newer products will bring the need for future invasions to secure the market for it.

We are an fee simple.

Also, there are no excuses now, majority of American people voted for the war to feed other wars.

Also close to 25,000,000 women voted for the religious fanatics to do away their basic human rights....Right to Choose......Don't take me wrong this is not just about loosing your right to what happends to your body but you voted away your right to decide for your self. Why bother your little feeble mind, the men will decide for you. You were stupid enough to vote for that, so you get what you deserve.

This religion belongs to MEN, it was made up by men for men. One dude and 12 other dudes. It reminds me of how the corporate America's executives are made of,much like Christianity.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Now we know how the slim majority of America thinks about conservatism and future of this nation . Regardless of what the detractors may say people spoke. They picked Bush in a filed of two, because he was closer to their ideals of how they want to be governed. The BIBLE wins the day. As it was apparent the RED states (heartland) came to poles more and were more interested in electing a man of value and virtue. They trusted Bush more than Kerry to keep them safe.

Now those of us that saw it differently will have to fight another uphill battle for four more years. God bless everyone, including Iraqis and host of countries that will have to endure Bush for four more years.

As far as gays, lesbians, single moms, un-wed mothers, tree hugers, women in general, immigrants, blacks, hispanics, indians, asians, prisoners, and everyone else outside of this great land..........You are fucked!!!

Four more years of pure and straight WHITE MALE will rule this land. Other than few tokens...............

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Our security is not in our hands. By all account its in hands of few that control the levers. We on the other hand are happy to go about our lives shoping, watching TV, working, complaining about politicians, buying crap we don't need, and so on.

Someone will have to better describe what is "Security"?

Are we secure when we have everything?
Are we secure when all of our enemies are dead?
Are we secure when we have access to all of world's resources?
Are we secure when no terorr can be inflicted on us?
Are we secure when we don't have to pay our share?
Are we secure when we are the only nation standing at the end?
Are we secure when we have monolplized the enitre world?
Are we secure when we have rest of the wold in our back pocket?

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Bush whitehouse lies and being disingenuous when they describe the battle against occupation as a band of one or two individuals. Didn't LBJ try to do that in Vietnam?? Mr. President for your information since you've been having your head in the bible recently, the Arab and Muslim opposition to your and your predecessors are much more deeper in those societies than one terrorist. Wake up dude, although, I understand why you can't openly say that to American people. Because then the answers are very hard to come by and your advisor would say it would damage US interests. But a righteous fight against terrorist or two is much easier to sell to the gullible public. Well, we'll have to see on Nov. 2nd.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Here is another idea:

The war on terror has masked the real battle in the post cold war era. If the desires of Arabs and Muslims for self determination is allowed to take hold by ex-colonialist and current imperialists the need for war on terror will disappear as well. We will then have to confront terror in much different way.

First of all the few extremists that will not benefit from stability will have to fight their own people and it will not be a US alone conflict. Second, there will be so much constructive discussions that few extremists will not find an ear or support to mount a major attack of any kind.

BUT THE KEY HEAR IS the west, EU and US will have to remove the hegemony cock out of the middle east ass. This will either happen voluntarily because it will provide for West security and safety. Or, Arabs and Muslims will to take that on for themselves. The only problem is that this way it will take a very long time since Arabs and Muslims are not historically and culturally ready for such take over yet.

West can however be a catalyst to speed up the process of bringing the Arabs and Muslims to full participation governance.

One of many factors that can expedite the process is for a fresh US government in Nov 2nd. May be then we can have a new start without the old bad blood. The compassionate conservatives in US have shown that they are not capable of global governance. They are so entrenched in dogmatic form that leading a pluralistic world is not possible. When you have leaders that so openly talk about will of GOD an doing God's work, there is no way in hell they can deal with realities of the world let alone understanding them.

Monday, October 25, 2004

What would BUSH say if we have a terrorist attack here in US after the election if he wins the presidency!!!!!!!! Who would he blame it on????
I was just thinking today, why don't we all vote for Bush on Nov. 2nd. The idea has two folds, 1) Bush started this mess by taking advantage of grieving people of this country after 9/11 to implement his trusted advisor's plan of reshaping the world to a kinder and gentler US supporters 2) By replacing him with Kerry this whole system based on manipulation will get a reprieve and will come later (4 or 8 years later) with the same agenda and different cover issues to continue the domination and the imperial designs.

By voting for Bush now they will have to either continue this mad plan or make a nice 180 or 360 degree turn to humanity. Because if they don't there will be nothing left of this world for them to rule and hegemonies.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

I have lived in US for over 25 years and I'm still amazed how an open society with so much emphasis on individualism has been able to so systematically incorporate religious conservative ideas into her soul and soil. How could dogmatic ideas be compatible with open society's inherent secularism. How can anyone in US can rationalize legislating religious principles? The US conservative platform is of most strange mix match of ideas. All you have to do view it from outside.

The open society by definition has rejected organized religion as a glue to bond its members. The funny thing is that lots of highly educated and knowlegable folks believe that religion by that I mean only Christianity has all the answers. They see this religion as vanguard of the western civilization.....What a bunch of horse shit!!! The guardian of our civilization is our common Human experience and can not be reduced into a simple stupid geographical location.

These losers with such ideas will be extinct in a very short time. The only thing have going for them is they play with common folks fears. That is why the heartland of America is so fearful of new ideas, they have been bombarded with fear mongering by religious politicians and wacky mainstream Christian TAKING HEADS.

Solution - Grass root (not the kind you smoke) attack on their core supporters. Enlightening the people about how true separation of organized faith and politics is doable. Gradually change the way churches are structured to instill fear in people and instead give them hope in accepting change.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The facts remain illusive in this post 9/11, or for that matter even pre 9/11 era.

A coworker that just came back from Israel and Egypt mentioned what he found from talking to people over there the younger generation on both sides of the conflict are tired of these old warriors and want them both be taken away to America.

So, here is another, even better idea to not just fight terror but to eradicate it like malaria. Send the US Army to all those non-elected governments in the region and arrest all them bastered and take them to Cuba!!!

Call me crazy or what you want.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Why is it the Liberator has to disarm the Liberated??

Particularly coming from a country that "right to bear arm" is so entangled with its psychology. Iraqis have as much right to protect themselves from tyranny as anyone else. The appointed ruler of Iraq is in no position to ask let alone demand the people of Iraq to disarm. Usually and history is littered by these cases, when you disarm the people by force or bribary it will lead to more violence and killing. Is that what Bush is after? More Iraqis killing Iraqis so we'll be safer!!!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I find it odd but not surprised that all the US presidents in recent memory have had full head of hair. Isn't interesting that the most powerful nation in the world can choose most of her leaders only among males with FULL HEAD OF HAIR.

I might be wrong but isn't true that most of men develop some king of balding pattern by let say 36!?!? If that is the case then aren't we selecting the most powerful leader of the world from a minority segment of the WHITE MALE population????

We are so bad at discriminating that even the poor WHITE MALE gets some of that mogo!!!!

Seriously, we all know or should know that presidential machine in this country since after the WW2 has been mostly based on presentation than content. US presidents are more like drill leaders in football games. The coaches, players, and quarterbacks come into the field after the cheering is done.

We have to find another way of electing the real players or it won't matter if the emperor is naked.

I propose that we elect the entire president and his cabinet. At the state level we elect all of these rascals separately, then why not nationally.

One other point, looking at pool of politicians that presidenta are drawn from I also do not see a bald or balding WHIITE BOY. Is this an Amercian thing or what?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

IF Bush is elected again in November it will let the world know that US constituents have agreed that an illegal war based on lies and misinformation (Proven) is what they have accepted. Then how can we question other nations for the same decision????
Couple of IDEAS:

A) Lets free Free Market economy from all manipulations. Let the capital enjoy all the freedom it deserves and not what an ideology or two thinks or believes what part of it is acceptable. What we currently have in the west is an experiment that has not passed the real "Human Test" test.

B)By outsourcing wars we are rekindling colonialism hated time when men were slaves and Lord ruled many. If this continues we are headed towards more strife.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Oil as a dwindling commodity and based on its environmental impacts should today be priced around let say $200 a barrel. What we have for oil price today is a fixed and manipulated price to ensure prosperity for a minority population of this world. This is the crux of the injustice that has been inflicted on the weak for over 60 years.

Fortunately the world is waking up to this injustice and people are beginning to ask what about US. The West will either give up this ill conceived idea born in colonialism or die fighting off rest of the world.

Everyone today wants to have everything that suburban middle America has or dreams to have. The whole notion that 5% of world population is using 25-30% of world's resources is not acceptable anymore. You either for globalization for all or against the majority.

The line separating Middle East and Middle America is blurring.

Friday, October 08, 2004

I plan to install a 6' sliding patio door this weekend at my home and hope all goeas well. Its been raining like cats and dogs here today.
Here is a piece of a democratic foundation:

" The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them... The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the instruments they have created. "--RCW 42.17.251
Hey you, hard working, free thinking, freedom loving people of the free world VOTE for whoever that is right to you. Not beacuse you don't want someone else to win, that is not an American, Afghan, or Austeralian way dude!!!!

I decided today to vote for the one I belive should lead us, after listening to Coke and Pepsi's debate.

Either one of these guys are good enough if they win. This is a no brainer.

I see that they just can't do the right thing.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Here are couple of interesting items came to my mind as I read today's news:

1) With oil supply dwindling are we ready for a global battle for oil. I am not talking about taking it form inept Arabs or Africans But fights between the most powerful consumers of this black stuff. The main axis of oil would be EU/US/China. Now " Axis of Oil Consumers" that has a better ring.

2) Does it bother anybody that these now mundane daily bombings of Iraqis by US seems to be coordinated with Israel's bombing of Palestinians. Not a day goes by that they are not killing Arabs for one reason or another. Both are saying their targets are based on very accurate "intelligence". Did we invade Iraq on some very accurate intelligence????? No baby, this is still the same story of shoot first and let the lord separate the guilty from innocent later because they (all 450M or so ARABS) attacked us.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

This is a warning to all Middle Eastern dictators, king, or even half elected leaders-- once US is done with you pack your bags. The Empire will use you until you have no benefit to further the West's interests and then you are GONE.

This is mostly the case for those countries that have anything to offer for the West or so week that can be done with little collateral damage.

With this almost open declaration by the western powers it is not a surprise that all the nations that have any self respect left are pursuing the trump card!!!!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

OK, I saw most of the VP debate and I'm very much confused about who is telling the truth. All I know is that truth is out there and we must find it!!!!

They both at times seemed convincing to me, but again I'm a Demuplican!!!!

Dick and Dave better not have to take over someday I hope. Dick was his usual self but Davy poo just didn't make sense. When they have to speak using talking points thats what you get. They just were not themselves and so I didn't believe either of them. They looked more like a pathetic college kids taking notes and hoping the prof will through them a good question.

Are these boys are or want to rule the most powerful country in the world. I wonder how Alexander the great, Caesar, or Napoleon would react to these boys??

What can I say about the moderator..............I'm speachless.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

I am a "Demuplican" as I suspect most are:

I believe in:

Woman's Right;
Heck for that matter eveyone's Rights;
Keep your religion to yourself;
Keep the Government out of my ass;
True and honest Capitalism (if you try to modify it then, I want to do that too!!);
Keep the government out of messing with businesses and protecting them against customers;
No limits to LAW SUITES;
Check and Balances;
Free Press not politically correct press;
No Press Monopoly;
Elect Supreme Court Judges;
Like guns but unless eveyone is disarmed we'll have to have them;
Graduated corporate taxation so as to kill monopolies among other vises:
No corporate or civil welfare, they all have to work hard;
But we can talk about leveling the playing field for both;


Why is it all national politicians of the most powerful nation in the world has to mention many time in their campaign and political life "Israel"? This country of only about six million. Who in the heartland gives a shit about Israel or France???

I'm amazed how this alien phenomena has so completely permeated the political culture and no one, not even Native Americans say, what? If there are any groups of people that need to be mentioned would be the Indians and not some guys half a world away!!!!!!
What the debate missed and I expect it that much was the real issue:

When US will endure Palestinians have a nation and stop this useless need to mention Israel at every public speech.

They both mentioned Israel the other night. I am surprised they don't make them say "holocaust" five times every time.

Arabs should use their oil money to make US politicians say "Palestine" and "occupation" in one sentence.
Kerry vs Bush --------- Coke vs Pepsi

Why is it was have not been able to bring democracy and prosperity to Mexicans and central Americans for over two hundred years now and expect to give it to Iraqis!?!?!?! Its OIL stupid, these boys must have smoked some fine shit in Yale?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Now I sense maybe Kerry will be allowed into the house so this Iraq and terrorist fiasko can be jumpstarted. I expect with Bush wining he will have to continue with the same approach, you just can't change Titanic's direction that quickly. But with Kerry there could be chance of wining both the short term battle of illigaly invading a nation and securing the ever illusive security of US, whatever that means. No one has yet been able to clearly describe what makes us safe here in US. And lets not start by saying stopping terrorist from exploding a bomb or some stupid thing like that. That can happend anytime, it could have happend before 9/11.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

One more thing I noticed today. The wealthiest country in the world that always tries to show off its achievements is not ranking very high on medal counts in Paralympics games in Athens. Now this tells you how this country's priorities are managed. Also I have not seen a single mention of this event in any major media outlet anywhere.

Just another sign from above>>>>
I just read a funny article about US selling $319M worth of bombs to Israel because she is a friendly state, Ok I'll buy that, also because it will lead to stability and economic development in middle east. Now this is one hum dinger!!!! More and more I am becoming less optimistic about future of west when I read such crazy statement coming from the highest levels of the most powerful country on this planet.

When are they going to come out of the bubble and pay due respect to rest of the world..

I hope we see that day soon or I don't blame if anyone with some wit's about them want to arm themselves with all the weaponry they can have. When the superpower sees economic development in bigger and bunker busting bombs then what do you expect from less powerfull countries.

God save the imperial KING.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I had an interesting conversation with a friend last night. A republican with lot more reasoning, he said that what Bush has lacked since 9/11 is the compationate part of "compationate conservative". He was and is not so much now for the war in Iraq. He said the use of violence or terror should be used like "nudge" or "punch" before saying OK what is going on here and how can we fix the problem. He compared this method to the way he managed when working for a large company. If there was a problem with one of the sales regions of the company he would go there and find the most guilty party and would fire him. Then he would ask all the staff to get to gether and find out what went wrong and how the company and staff can improve the situation.

All this is find and dandy if the Bush and the boys intended to run a country (at least the foreign relation part) like democratic successfully company. But this duets are not that hommy!!!!!

If hi idea would be the case here, we would have about a year ago had said following issues MUST be put on the table and resolved to ensure security for all and not just North America:

1) Get Palestinian and Israel in a room and broker a real fix
2) Tell Saudies its time to go
3)Tell Egyptians that let the freedom ring
4)Stop supporting old thugs
5)Show that US is with poor Muslims and not their rulers

That would be the only way to neutralize a increasing numbers of radical Muslims. There are about 70% of them that are sick and tired of being marginelized and about 10% that are willing to do something.

Lets not shock and Awe them, instead gains the heart and minds by respecting them.

THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE, except endless war.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

"Reading Lolita In Tehran" is on my agenda to read in the next few weeks.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Its middle of September and is time to think about Rio!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It appears that GOP planners have made the decision for people that Bush will be in the white house for another 4 years. The scare mongers have made their case with people, it is in fact an easy task to win another term on nothing else but fear. This administration without 9/11 would have been done away with as early as first part of this year. Go figure, I say if he is elected in November then we have no one to blame but ourselves. After all we are free to choose the president, or are we when we are bound in vail of fear???

They have convinced most in believing that Bush will fight terror with much heavier and convencing terror then Kerry!!!! I think either way, Kerry or Bush, we are in for a long rough road ahead, nothing is going to come easy anymore. We no longer can sit on the other side of the pond and let others do our dirty work. So, friends pull your sleeves up and start doing some damage.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The idea that somehow this war is right just makes me want to laugh. Particularly coming from the right. The right is the party of the wind, that is, they will change without much notice.

Get the draft dodger out of the house, I say, or we are in for some hard ride. Even though I don't think we'll fair much better in most cases with the Vietnamie dude, at least with him we'll know where he is headed. Ask Bush supporters where this country will be ten years from now if Bush boy stays on, you'll get a blank stair. In most cases they are thinking rapture will occur before then so why bother thinking that far ahead!!!!Scary isn't it????
I like to have lunch with Nicole Kidman somewhere in southern California in late September. I promise not to talk to her about my views on Iraq invasion and how unnecessarily we have killed some 20,000 to 35,000 people. I instead will talk to her about softer side of this wacky world and try to always look into her eyes!!!! She is hot!!!

I will not want to see her after that date.......... Go figure.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

All I have to say after reading (mind you I'm not watching the GOP party in NY) the events unfolding at the convention, there is no thought in my mind that Bush regime is the most manipulating, fact skewing, end justify the means, and corrupt administration since Nixon. They make Reagan look like a saint. These wacos are so out of touch with reality that makes me wonder who voted for them last time!?!?!?!?!

I can bet any amount that they don't believe in anything they are saying. All they have is what they believe is their trump card, which is a faith based constituency that will vote for them even if they kill Jesus to save him or scaring the people to death about imminent attacks!!

They are as religious as mulls in Iran, moghtada Sadr in Iraq, or pope in Vatican. These duds are nothing but figure heads for the big business. The BIG BUSINESS rules this land.

Forget serfs........................

Now what happends if they realize that its done come Jan. 20th they must go back to the board rooms and manipulate stock prices again? Could they call on the nation to forgo votes so they may finish the JOB and kill all the terrorists?? I wouldn't passed these monsters.

Friday, August 27, 2004

For the coke and pepsi generation that quickly forgets world events I like to rmind folks that US preemtively invaded IRAQ without UN approval based on lies and hidden agendas. So, when the experts talk about why we are not now attacking the terrorists in Iraq harder than we should or why can't we bomb Ali mosk, remember they are defending themselves, and rest assured we would kill them if we have to.

Lets talk about the future a bit.

I was watching a political debate on TV and the talking heads were saying the American politics and its constituency has been so compartmentalized that each party is more and more going after a smaller piece of the pie each election year. Then, it just downed on me that its true, now we have a two camp nation of pro gun, less government, anti abortion and on the other side pro choice, ok with gays, government will help you with something.

I think at this rate in few years we may witness the birth of the "real" third choice. I suspect that at some point in the near future the need for an alternative will reach the critical mass. So, watch out you elephant/donkey dudes!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Next time when talking heads tell you they hate us because we are "free", try to believe them without laughing!!!!

They hate our freedom......Can't they come up with anything else as reasons for why 450M people in middle east don't like how US policies has treated them for over 40 years?????

I am here to tell you they don't dislike you because you are free or live like a king.

They just don't see any hope to ever enjoying your type of freedom and life style with these rulers they have to pay respect to. Also they know, like we should know, that all these rulers were installed by colonial or post colonial powers and are kept in place by force.

In fact they hate you because they are not free.................

I just heard Woolsy, ex cia director say, they, meaning Islamic terrorists want to rule the world, install khalifehs (Islamic POPE) everywhere, convert or kill all non-Muslims. As he was saying that on TV I could see in his eyes that he didn't belive a word of it himself!!!!!!!!

Again Woolsy boy is manipulating the public because that is all he knows and has been trained to see. He is from another era, lets get rid of them all or we are going to be screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 20, 2004

Are you feel safer today than you were on thar dreaded day, 9/11/2001?

If you think so vote for BUSH!!!!

If you still think so, here are some helpful hint on why you shouldn't be:

  • Alqada is nothing but one minor sacpe goat;
  • War on terror - what a stupid thing to say;
  • Once you've declare "war on terror" you've lost, thats what they wanted;
  • western civilization cannot be protected by force(waht happend to ideals???);
  • besides this conflict is not about east vs west;
  • its about haves and have nots;
  • its about not being represented;
  • its about feeling overwhelmed by outside forces;
  • its about Palestinians getting screwed by so called west;
  • its about third world being treated as third class citizen and now they beginning to see that;
  • So, wake up America and smell the rose, they are on to you;
  • they want their share of the pie;
  • stop supporting friendly dictators and kings
  • align yourself with the "people" pf middle east and you will never fear them

This conflict is partly because of American public delegating foreign affairs to their so called representatives, and the representatives believing rank and file is too stupid to know how to deal with issues outside of our borders. The politicians have for so long followed the manipulation policy for managing worlds events. This approach has a very deep root. It stems from wests colonial past, industrialization, and cold war.

Its time for change, get rid of the old foggies ___ The parallel I see in the world affair today is the American experience with Blacks, women, and other minorities in 1960's.

IT IS TIME FOR GLOBAL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.....lets respect the will of all people, not just the powerfull......

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Its funny how this war on terror is shaping up. The house is working very hard to manage the events to lead into an orgy of sucesses by Novemeber.....!!!!! Meanwhile killing in our names continues. The esitmate for Iraqi dead is around 34,000, deader than door nails. Not to mention over 900 US gis killed and over 5000 injures sodilers. All this to topple a regime that had nothing to do with 9/11, you go figure. I wonder if the brains behind Bush are having good night sleep.

Why could the brains behind Bush didn't say lets help liberate the Arabs from all these unelected dictators in the gulf area, after all theier ruthless behavior had contribuited to 9/11. Why couldn't we give ultimatums to Saudies, Kewaites, Egeptions, ......etc along wth Saddam to clean your act or buggy man will vist you. And they ask wahy they haite us, they hait us because we have been sleeping with the wrong crowd and sipping tea with folks that do not represent the Islamic masses. Now, wouldn't you haite it if your big brother kept taking the bully's side in the school yard!!!!!!!!!

Here is what we have to do, VOTE, and get these nutsos out of the white house first. Eventhough I don't thing millionar Karry will change the situation much but any change is better than to let these dudes go on.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Here we go again, the war machine is at it, now the illegal and immoral war in Iraq is blamed on CIA since powers to be didn't buy Iraqi dissidents and Chalabi misinformation thing. Some even went way out on the limb suggesting may be Iran had something to do with making US go to War. As I have said it before, are we the citizens of this open and free country asses or what, to believe this crap. If CIA provided half baked intelligence to the WAR imperialist mongers is because of two reason and both are going fuck us up later. One - they really didn't know what the fuck was going on in Iraq which means we are fucked since that is their only job with something like $20B to $100B (exact amount is top secrete) annual budget or Two - they knowingly provided false information to war mongers to allow the white on dark house to proceed with their plan, again in this case we are also fucked and I need not to explain why.

Here is what I think happened decision to invade Iraq and I'm sure more shenanigans to come has been made conceptually by the brains behind Bush. What is needed then circumstances that can allow for actions to take place, because after all its our sons that will have to pay the ultimate price not theirs. [I want the DRAFT right now]

The reason are as follows (not in any order):

1) Oil - the life blood of western economies, western civilization, western superiority

2) Good vs. Evil - They really believe Christianity will rule the earth, that is what bible tells them.

3) Destroy the perceived enemy before he gains strength

4) 9/11 revenge

5) taking democracy to those savages. They believe democracy and Christianity work hand in hand.

bottom line is unchecked power will run amok............

Monday, June 21, 2004

This is Hazel, is the world ready for her!!! Posted by Hello

Tea time! Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Its really funny how Bush and the boys view war crimes. If its committed by the evil enemy the responsibility squarely falls on the leadership, but if cowboy GI's torture prisoners, its only very few bad apples. Even though its clear that orders were coming from highest levels to "soften the insurgents". One change from Vietnam era at least is that they were not summarily executed in the field and passed on as war casulties.

In either case of if these were islated incidents or systematicly planned torture fest, its a crime against humanity. If they (Bush and boys) didn't know what was happening for over a year in Iraq then they are incompitant and should be removed from leadership roles. How can we let them govern!!!!!!! Af if they knew then................

To systematically torture this many prisoners, and I know for sure there are lots more pictures and untold numbers that were not pictured of savagery in the prisons and streets of Iraq is a testament to how Bush and boys view non-Americans. With exception of European, although if he had it his way they wouldn't fare that much better. This cowboy I am sure hates blacks, Letinos, Asians, and Indians in US, since most likely he does not considers them American. He views them as not so smart and rich like nimself, lazy, mostly unemployed, and always looking for handouts.

I don't think he cares for US casualties since most of them are poor, uneducated, minorities, and over all worthless people. So from his perspective any war that US wages in the world is win-win situation for his pure white race. After all who joins a voulentary army.

On top of that, his conscious will always be clear because that gay Jesus guy is with him.

Monday, May 03, 2004

One more think....PLEASE spare me with:

Surveys that shows what Iraqis are for or against... Any intelligent person would know that we should wait for the occupier to remove itself before any fuck head tries to ram some misinformation into us. NO ONE is buying that shit and actually the occupier will look like a joker!!!!

Legal proceedings in Iraq...Please hold your shorts on that too, do these fuck heads in DC really think we are all stupid???Or the fucking government mouth piece, I mean all major news media think we are dumm shits. May be they on to something since we seem to site day and day out watch their mind numbing crap on TV.

Stop calling hired killers "contract workers".

Stop outsourcing the war to US proxy companies. Fight like a man. (I guess this will create smaller government, right,.. Republicans). Another advantage is this way US soldier casualties look smaller, I guess. These fuckers in DC have no shame........They are also our brothers and sisters.

Finally...I do not blame the nuts (our foot soldiers and commanders) that are in Iraq for what they are doing. The blame squarely is directed at may be 200 to 300 fuck heads in DC. They have brought us hear and I don't think rich dude, John Carry will be able to take us out, as much as I like.

Now we have come a long way in bringing democracy to Arabs. Lets see,,,, we violated international laws and invaded Iraq, changed the hole wacky story about WMD (ya do ya even remember that, or too much reality TV has blurred your mind) to just he was a bad man and had to be removed. Then we were told these poor abused people have suffered so much that they'll be handing over young girls to the Gi's as they parade in front of their homes. We easy folks were given that nice liberating images from Paris of so long ago. Old Saddam was even compared to Hitler, I wonder who had thought of that comparison in DC??? We now know how vicious he was in 80's and 90's!!!!! Bad man!!!

Now fast forward to May - April 2004 - Although I think Washington think tanks and empire managers had anticipated this level of resistance with possibly briefings for the old Bushy Poo of casualties in excess of 2000 to 5000, they still I think didn't think it would be so widespread. What they could not have anticipated is the fact that events stemming from illegal act can not be anticipated to an extend possible to justify the original immoral act. Having said all that...I believe the think angers really didn't care about US casualties because to them this is a do or die situation. This means they believe in their core that what they doing today will save the empire tomorrow.

Meanwhile they are taking the war to the region and providing a target and they hope that would keep them terrorist busy for a while. Who cares they are mostly killing their own kinds anyways.

This is a Saudi Arabia exit strategy, they know the time has come to the house of Saud to fall.

This is taking advantage of simple Arab tradition and culture that lends itself to fall into the empire's trap.

This to further protect, insulate, and allow for Israel to delay the debilitating effects for graft vs. host disease (host being Arabs and graft being mess left behind by the last empire.

This is not Vietnam, this is bigger that Vietnam.

This is about projecting power where the empire wishes to protect its far flung resources.

This is believe it or not about also about promoting democracy, but not now.

Footnote: about the Gharib prison mess, what would American news media do and say if Saddam guards had done that to our GI's???? The old bush would use the event as one of two or three main reasons why he should for instance use Nuclear bomb on Baghdad ( if that was the only mode of attack available to him), I am sure of that. Just visualize that.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

From my last log......One of the tomorrows are here, we are now fighting Shiite insurgence!!! I wonder what happened to saddens republican guards and Bathists. I am not appalled anymore with what I don't see in American media, I think someone like me back in oh say 1965 gave up about all the lies about Vietnam war and who we were fighting then and how the army was going to destroy the commies and freedom haiters.....

Again we will have other tomorrows with many other spins on why Iraqi's are fighting the freedom army!!!! Why don't they just give up, do they know we have superior arms and can kill them all.....Does anybody remember the killing fields of Vietnam, why did they kept fighting?

Saturday, March 13, 2004

The war goes on......Yesterday we fought PLO, today we fight alqaida, tomorrow who knows. Why is it that our gov is fixated on Alquaida? Before 9/11 no one, I say no one, even the so called left leaning information centers were talking about them. Just because of 9/11 we are now ready to kill and maim them. I think bin laden is nothing but a decoy, even if we kill him ten more like him will spring up like wild flowers.

Don't you think that our boys at the five sided building don't know that, its just that they can't tell us. You know for our good, because we'll panic and can't really grasp the complexity of it all. Besides we tell them in so many ways that we don't care. As long as we get to watch the final four, shop, watch JLO,.....They can handle our foreign affairs. Heck we'll let them fuck up too and re-elect them again for the hell of it.

BUT wake up dude, ask your representatives to change course and embrace hard working and god fearing people of middle east not the two bit dictators. If really we want democracy to take hold there we must side with the People first. There might be some short term economic impact but long term we all benefit.

Unless we mean to dominate and have decided there is not enough room at the top!!!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2004

As I said before, this occupation of Iraq is not going to end anytime soon with or without power handover. We are there to stay to ensure our security and oil production stability and nothing else. As far we as care those A-rabs can go to hell, anyways they will eventually go to hell for being non chriscian anyways, we might as well help expedite that eventuality.

They are so uncivilized to understand what they need to do to protect our interest, and that is why we need to be there and risk our boy soldiers lives. May be once we teach these savages the rest will get the picture and let us fuckem up the way Jesus wanted. This is about teaching listens and making sure folks in A-rab and Muslim world get it. The imperialist that we are, we have no choice but to be in every corner of this world to ensure our interests are protected. With 7500 military based aboard we are just biginnig to project our power. It is after all about projecting our values and American way of life. Not really, we know too well the American and Europian way of life can only be enjoyed by westerners since they are the only ones that appreciate, understand, and have the mental capacity for embracing it. So, the rest of the savages are there to make sure we are well fed, clothed, and our homes are cleaned. All you have to do is go to any "nice" neighborhood in souther California during a workday and you'll see how the savages (illegal Mexicans) are grooming our yards and cleaning our homes.

We in this country can't afford to not have illegal aliens from Mexico and other countries to come in and clean our shits, pick our fruits,.....Etc. This whole thing is about domination and greed. Except the smart ruling technocrats usually dangle this carrot that they can start by being a slave and if they work hard someday they'll have what we have...Right, just look at Mexicans that have been here three to four generation, are they happier now than they were 50 years ago.

So, the same ruling intellectuals then tell us that because of cultural limitations they will have a hard time embracing western values and therefore will have difficulty assimilating. What a bunch of horse shit....Meanwhile they will work in the nasty factories making trinkets for our smart and highly civilized kids and adults to have costing fraction of what it should if they paid living wages...This is no Human right issues and we all must take these bastereds to court for violating basic human right pillars....I am not just talking about factory owners, investors, financiers, and government officials, but the so called civilized consumers for perpetuating this criminal behavior.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

One thing is clear and its that as much as I believe this war on terror is illegal I don't blame the young and impressionable joining the force and discharging what they think is their duty to protect this land. I have great deal of respect for young Americans who answer the call. I also have great respect for young Palestinians and all others that are ansewring the call to protect their land.

BUT..I want to court marshal the politicians that takes them there!!!!

I listened to state of the union address by Mr. Bush, this man, has no shame individually or politically. DO WE FEEL SAFER TODAY THAN WE DID BEFORE THE MUSLIM SLAUGHTER?? If by Bush saying that we are safer we in fact feel safer then I'm wasting my time talking to you!!!